The Datasets Package

statsmodels provides data sets (i.e. data and meta-data) for use in examples, tutorials, model testing, etc.

Using Datasets from Stata

webuse(data[, baseurl, as_df]) Download and return an example dataset from Stata.

Using Datasets from R

The Rdatasets project gives access to the datasets available in R’s core datasets package and many other common R packages. All of these datasets are available to statsmodels by using the get_rdataset function. The actual data is accessible by the data attribute. For example:

In [1]: import statsmodels.api as sm

In [2]: duncan_prestige = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Duncan", "car")

In [3]: print(duncan_prestige.__doc__)
| Duncan   | R Documentation   |

Duncan's Occupational Prestige Data


The ``Duncan`` data frame has 45 rows and 4 columns. Data on the
prestige and other characteristics of 45 U. S. occupations in 1950.





This data frame contains the following columns:

    Type of occupation. A factor with the following levels: ``prof``,
    professional and managerial; ``wc``, white-collar; ``bc``,

    Percent of males in occupation earning $3500 or more in 1950.

    Percent of males in occupation in 1950 who were high-school

    Percent of raters in NORC study rating occupation as excellent or
    good in prestige.


Duncan, O. D. (1961) A socioeconomic index for all occupations. In
Reiss, A. J., Jr. (Ed.) *Occupations and Social Status.* Free Press
[Table VI-1].


Fox, J. (2008) *Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear
Models*, Second Edition. Sage.

Fox, J. and Weisberg, S. (2011) *An R Companion to Applied Regression*,
Second Edition, Sage.

In [4]:
            type  income  education  prestige
accountant  prof      62         86        82
pilot       prof      72         76        83
architect   prof      75         92        90
author      prof      55         90        76
chemist     prof      64         86        90
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R Datasets Function Reference

get_rdataset(dataname[, package, cache]) download and return R dataset
get_data_home([data_home]) Return the path of the statsmodels data dir.
clear_data_home([data_home]) Delete all the content of the data home cache.


Load a dataset:

In [5]: import statsmodels.api as sm

In [6]: data = sm.datasets.longley.load()
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The Dataset object follows the bunch pattern explained in proposal. The full dataset is available in the data attribute.

In [7]:
rec.array([( 60323.,   83. ,  234289.,  2356.,  1590.,  107608.,  1947.),
 ( 61122.,   88.5,  259426.,  2325.,  1456.,  108632.,  1948.),
 ( 60171.,   88.2,  258054.,  3682.,  1616.,  109773.,  1949.),
 ( 61187.,   89.5,  284599.,  3351.,  1650.,  110929.,  1950.),
 ( 63221.,   96.2,  328975.,  2099.,  3099.,  112075.,  1951.),
 ( 63639.,   98.1,  346999.,  1932.,  3594.,  113270.,  1952.),
 ( 64989.,   99. ,  365385.,  1870.,  3547.,  115094.,  1953.),
 ( 63761.,  100. ,  363112.,  3578.,  3350.,  116219.,  1954.),
 ( 66019.,  101.2,  397469.,  2904.,  3048.,  117388.,  1955.),
 ( 67857.,  104.6,  419180.,  2822.,  2857.,  118734.,  1956.),
 ( 68169.,  108.4,  442769.,  2936.,  2798.,  120445.,  1957.),
 ( 66513.,  110.8,  444546.,  4681.,  2637.,  121950.,  1958.),
 ( 68655.,  112.6,  482704.,  3813.,  2552.,  123366.,  1959.),
 ( 69564.,  114.2,  502601.,  3931.,  2514.,  125368.,  1960.),
 ( 69331.,  115.7,  518173.,  4806.,  2572.,  127852.,  1961.),
 ( 70551.,  116.9,  554894.,  4007.,  2827.,  130081.,  1962.)], 
          dtype=[('TOTEMP', '<f8'), ('GNPDEFL', '<f8'), ('GNP', '<f8'), ('UNEMP', '<f8'), ('ARMED', '<f8'), ('POP', '<f8'), ('YEAR', '<f8')])
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Most datasets hold convenient representations of the data in the attributes endog and exog:

In [8]: data.endog[:5]
Out[8]: array([ 60323.,  61122.,  60171.,  61187.,  63221.])

In [9]: data.exog[:5,:]
array([[     83. ,  234289. ,    2356. ,    1590. ,  107608. ,    1947. ],
       [     88.5,  259426. ,    2325. ,    1456. ,  108632. ,    1948. ],
       [     88.2,  258054. ,    3682. ,    1616. ,  109773. ,    1949. ],
       [     89.5,  284599. ,    3351. ,    1650. ,  110929. ,    1950. ],
       [     96.2,  328975. ,    2099. ,    3099. ,  112075. ,    1951. ]])
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Univariate datasets, however, do not have an exog attribute.

Variable names can be obtained by typing:

In [10]: data.endog_name
Out[10]: 'TOTEMP'

In [11]: data.exog_name
Out[11]: ['GNPDEFL', 'GNP', 'UNEMP', 'ARMED', 'POP', 'YEAR']
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If the dataset does not have a clear interpretation of what should be an endog and exog, then you can always access the data or raw_data attributes. This is the case for the macrodata dataset, which is a collection of US macroeconomic data rather than a dataset with a specific example in mind. The data attribute contains a record array of the full dataset and the raw_data attribute contains an ndarray with the names of the columns given by the names attribute.

In [12]: type(
Out[12]: numpy.recarray

In [13]: type(data.raw_data)
Out[13]: numpy.recarray

In [14]: data.names
Out[14]: ['TOTEMP', 'GNPDEFL', 'GNP', 'UNEMP', 'ARMED', 'POP', 'YEAR']
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Loading data as pandas objects

For many users it may be preferable to get the datasets as a pandas DataFrame or Series object. Each of the dataset modules is equipped with a load_pandas method which returns a Dataset instance with the data readily available as pandas objects:

In [15]: data = sm.datasets.longley.load_pandas()

In [16]: data.exog
    GNPDEFL       GNP   UNEMP   ARMED       POP    YEAR
0      83.0  234289.0  2356.0  1590.0  107608.0  1947.0
1      88.5  259426.0  2325.0  1456.0  108632.0  1948.0
2      88.2  258054.0  3682.0  1616.0  109773.0  1949.0
3      89.5  284599.0  3351.0  1650.0  110929.0  1950.0
4      96.2  328975.0  2099.0  3099.0  112075.0  1951.0
5      98.1  346999.0  1932.0  3594.0  113270.0  1952.0
6      99.0  365385.0  1870.0  3547.0  115094.0  1953.0
7     100.0  363112.0  3578.0  3350.0  116219.0  1954.0
8     101.2  397469.0  2904.0  3048.0  117388.0  1955.0
9     104.6  419180.0  2822.0  2857.0  118734.0  1956.0
10    108.4  442769.0  2936.0  2798.0  120445.0  1957.0
11    110.8  444546.0  4681.0  2637.0  121950.0  1958.0
12    112.6  482704.0  3813.0  2552.0  123366.0  1959.0
13    114.2  502601.0  3931.0  2514.0  125368.0  1960.0
14    115.7  518173.0  4806.0  2572.0  127852.0  1961.0
15    116.9  554894.0  4007.0  2827.0  130081.0  1962.0

In [17]: data.endog
0     60323.0
1     61122.0
2     60171.0
3     61187.0
4     63221.0
5     63639.0
6     64989.0
7     63761.0
8     66019.0
9     67857.0
10    68169.0
11    66513.0
12    68655.0
13    69564.0
14    69331.0
15    70551.0
Name: TOTEMP, dtype: float64
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The full DataFrame is available in the data attribute of the Dataset object

In [18]:
0   60323.0     83.0  234289.0  2356.0  1590.0  107608.0  1947.0
1   61122.0     88.5  259426.0  2325.0  1456.0  108632.0  1948.0
2   60171.0     88.2  258054.0  3682.0  1616.0  109773.0  1949.0
3   61187.0     89.5  284599.0  3351.0  1650.0  110929.0  1950.0
4   63221.0     96.2  328975.0  2099.0  3099.0  112075.0  1951.0
5   63639.0     98.1  346999.0  1932.0  3594.0  113270.0  1952.0
6   64989.0     99.0  365385.0  1870.0  3547.0  115094.0  1953.0
7   63761.0    100.0  363112.0  3578.0  3350.0  116219.0  1954.0
8   66019.0    101.2  397469.0  2904.0  3048.0  117388.0  1955.0
9   67857.0    104.6  419180.0  2822.0  2857.0  118734.0  1956.0
10  68169.0    108.4  442769.0  2936.0  2798.0  120445.0  1957.0
11  66513.0    110.8  444546.0  4681.0  2637.0  121950.0  1958.0
12  68655.0    112.6  482704.0  3813.0  2552.0  123366.0  1959.0
13  69564.0    114.2  502601.0  3931.0  2514.0  125368.0  1960.0
14  69331.0    115.7  518173.0  4806.0  2572.0  127852.0  1961.0
15  70551.0    116.9  554894.0  4007.0  2827.0  130081.0  1962.0
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With pandas integration in the estimation classes, the metadata will be attached to model results:

Extra Information

If you want to know more about the dataset itself, you can access the following, again using the Longley dataset as an example

>>> dir(sm.datasets.longley)[:6]

Additional information

  • The idea for a datasets package was originally proposed by David Cournapeau and can be found here with updates by Skipper Seabold.
  • To add datasets, see the notes on adding a dataset.