Source code for statsmodels.stats._adnorm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Sep 25 21:23:38 2011

Author: Josef Perktold and Scipy developers
License : BSD-3
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from import array_like, bool_like, int_like

def anderson_statistic(x, dist='norm', fit=True, params=(), axis=0):
    Calculate the Anderson-Darling a2 statistic

    x : array_like
    dist : 'norm' or callable
        null distribution for the test statistic
    fit : bool
        If True, then the distribution parameters are estimated.
        Currently only for 1d data x, except in case dist='norm'
    params : tuple
        optional distribution parameters if fit is False
    axis : int
        If dist is 'norm' or fit is False, then data can be an n-dimensional
        and axis specifies the axis of a variable

    ad2 : {float, ndarray}
        Anderson-Darling statistic
    x = array_like(x, 'x', ndim=None)
    fit = bool_like(fit, 'fit')
    axis = int_like(axis, 'axis')
    y = np.sort(x, axis=axis)
    nobs = y.shape[axis]
    if fit:
        if dist == 'norm':
            xbar = np.expand_dims(np.mean(x, axis=axis), axis)
            s = np.expand_dims(np.std(x, ddof=1, axis=axis), axis)
            w = (y - xbar) / s
            z = stats.norm.cdf(w)
            # print z
        elif callable(dist):
            params =
            # print params
            z = dist.cdf(y, *params)
            raise ValueError("dist must be 'norm' or a Callable")
        if callable(dist):
            z = dist.cdf(y, *params)
            raise ValueError('if fit is false, then dist must be callable')

    i = np.arange(1, nobs + 1)
    sl1 = [None] * x.ndim
    sl1[axis] = slice(None)
    sl1 = tuple(sl1)
    sl2 = [slice(None)] * x.ndim
    sl2[axis] = slice(None, None, -1)
    sl2 = tuple(sl2)
    S = np.sum((2 * i[sl1] - 1.0) / nobs * (np.log(z) + np.log(1 - z[sl2])),
    a2 = -nobs - S
    return a2

[docs]def normal_ad(x, axis=0): """ Anderson-Darling test for normal distribution unknown mean and variance Parameters ---------- x : array_like data array, currently only 1d Returns ------- ad2 : float Anderson Darling test statistic pval : float pvalue for hypothesis that the data comes from a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance """ # ad2 = stats.anderson(x)[0] ad2 = anderson_statistic(x, dist='norm', fit=True, axis=axis) n = x.shape[axis] ad2a = ad2 * (1 + 0.75 / n + 2.25 / n ** 2) if np.size(ad2a) == 1: if (ad2a >= 0.00 and ad2a < 0.200): pval = 1 - np.exp(-13.436 + 101.14 * ad2a - 223.73 * ad2a ** 2) elif ad2a < 0.340: pval = 1 - np.exp(-8.318 + 42.796 * ad2a - 59.938 * ad2a ** 2) elif ad2a < 0.600: pval = np.exp(0.9177 - 4.279 * ad2a - 1.38 * ad2a ** 2) elif ad2a <= 13: pval = np.exp(1.2937 - 5.709 * ad2a + 0.0186 * ad2a ** 2) else: pval = 0.0 # is < 4.9542108058458799e-31 else: bounds = np.array([0.0, 0.200, 0.340, 0.600]) pval0 = lambda ad2a: np.nan * np.ones_like(ad2a) pval1 = lambda ad2a: 1 - np.exp( -13.436 + 101.14 * ad2a - 223.73 * ad2a ** 2) pval2 = lambda ad2a: 1 - np.exp( -8.318 + 42.796 * ad2a - 59.938 * ad2a ** 2) pval3 = lambda ad2a: np.exp(0.9177 - 4.279 * ad2a - 1.38 * ad2a ** 2) pval4 = lambda ad2a: np.exp(1.2937 - 5.709 * ad2a + 0.0186 * ad2a ** 2) pvalli = [pval0, pval1, pval2, pval3, pval4] idx = np.searchsorted(bounds, ad2a, side='right') pval = np.nan * np.ones_like(ad2a) for i in range(5): mask = (idx == i) pval[mask] = pvalli[i](ad2a[mask]) return ad2, pval
if __name__ == '__main__': x = np.array([-0.1184, -1.3403, 0.0063, -0.612, -0.3869, -0.2313, -2.8485, -0.2167, 0.4153, 1.8492, -0.3706, 0.9726, -0.1501, -0.0337, -1.4423, 1.2489, 0.9182, -0.2331, -0.6182, 0.1830]) r_res = np.array([0.58672353588821502, 0.1115380760041617]) ad2, pval = normal_ad(x) print(ad2, pval) print(r_res - [ad2, pval]) print(anderson_statistic((x - x.mean()) / x.std(), dist=stats.norm, fit=False)) print(anderson_statistic(x, dist=stats.norm, fit=True))