Source code for statsmodels.stats.descriptivestats

from statsmodels.compat.python import lrange, lmap, iterkeys, iteritems
from statsmodels.compat.pandas import Appender

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable
from import nottest

def _kurtosis(a):
    '''wrapper for scipy.stats.kurtosis that returns nan instead of raising Error

    missing options
        res = stats.kurtosis(a)
    except ValueError:
        res = np.nan
    return res

def _skew(a):
    '''wrapper for scipy.stats.skew that returns nan instead of raising Error

    missing options
        res = stats.skew(a)
    except ValueError:
        res = np.nan
    return res

[docs]@nottest def sign_test(samp, mu0=0): """ Signs test. Parameters ---------- samp : array_like 1d array. The sample for which you want to perform the signs test. mu0 : float See Notes for the definition of the sign test. mu0 is 0 by default, but it is common to set it to the median. Returns ------- M p-value Notes ----- The signs test returns M = (N(+) - N(-))/2 where N(+) is the number of values above `mu0`, N(-) is the number of values below. Values equal to `mu0` are discarded. The p-value for M is calculated using the binomial distribution and can be interpreted the same as for a t-test. The test-statistic is distributed Binom(min(N(+), N(-)), n_trials, .5) where n_trials equals N(+) + N(-). See Also -------- scipy.stats.wilcoxon """ samp = np.asarray(samp) pos = np.sum(samp > mu0) neg = np.sum(samp < mu0) M = (pos-neg)/2. p = stats.binom_test(min(pos,neg), pos+neg, .5) return M, p
class Describe(object): ''' Calculates descriptive statistics for data. Defaults to a basic set of statistics, "all" can be specified, or a list can be given. Parameters ---------- dataset : array_like 2D dataset for descriptive statistics. ''' def __init__(self, dataset): self.dataset = dataset #better if this is initially a list to define order, or use an # ordered dict. First position is the function # Second position is the tuple/list of column names/numbers # third is are the results in order of the columns self.univariate = dict( obs = [len, None, None], mean = [np.mean, None, None], std = [np.std, None, None], min = [np.min, None, None], max = [np.max, None, None], ptp = [np.ptp, None, None], var = [np.var, None, None], mode_val = [self._mode_val, None, None], mode_bin = [self._mode_bin, None, None], median = [np.median, None, None], skew = [stats.skew, None, None], uss = [lambda x: np.sum(np.asarray(x)**2, axis=0), None, None], kurtosis = [stats.kurtosis, None, None], percentiles = [self._percentiles, None, None], #BUG: not single value #sign_test_M = [self.sign_test_m, None, None], #sign_test_P = [self.sign_test_p, None, None] ) # TODO: Basic stats for strings # self.strings = dict( # unique = [np.unique, None, None], # number_uniq = [len( # most = [ # least = [ #TODO: Multivariate # self.multivariate = dict( # corrcoef(x[, y, rowvar, bias]), # cov(m[, y, rowvar, bias]), # histogram2d(x, y[, bins, range, normed, weights]) # ) self._arraytype = None self._columns_list = None def _percentiles(self,x): p = [stats.scoreatpercentile(x,per) for per in (1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99)] return p def _mode_val(self,x): return stats.mode(x)[0][0] def _mode_bin(self,x): return stats.mode(x)[1][0] def _array_typer(self): """if not a sctructured array""" if not(self.dataset.dtype.names): """homogeneous dtype array""" self._arraytype = 'homog' elif self.dataset.dtype.names: """structured or rec array""" self._arraytype = 'sctruct' else: assert self._arraytype == 'sctruct' or self._arraytype == 'homog' def _is_dtype_like(self, col): """ Check whether self.dataset.[col][0] behaves like a string, numbern unknown. `numpy.lib._iotools._is_string_like` """ def string_like(): # TODO: not sure what the result is if the first item is some # type of missing value try: self.dataset[col][0] + '' except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True def number_like(): try: self.dataset[col][0] + 1.0 except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True if number_like() and not string_like(): return 'number' elif not number_like() and string_like(): return 'string' else: assert (number_like() or string_like()), '\ Not sure of dtype'+str(self.dataset[col][0]) #@property def summary(self, stats='basic', columns='all', orientation='auto'): """ Return a summary of descriptive statistics. Parameters ---------- stats: list or str The desired statistics, Accepts 'basic' or 'all' or a list. 'basic' = ('obs', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max') 'all' = ('obs', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max', 'ptp', 'var', 'mode', 'meadian', 'skew', 'uss', 'kurtosis', 'percentiles') columns : list or str The columns/variables to report the statistics, default is 'all' If an object with named columns is given, you may specify the column names. For example """ #NOTE # standard array: Specifiy column numbers (NEED TO TEST) # percentiles currently broken # mode requires mode_val and mode_bin separately if self._arraytype is None: self._array_typer() if stats == 'basic': stats = ('obs', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max') elif stats == 'all': #stats = self.univariate.keys() #dict does not keep an order, use full list instead stats = ['obs', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max', 'ptp', 'var', 'mode_val', 'mode_bin', 'median', 'uss', 'skew', 'kurtosis', 'percentiles'] else: for astat in stats: pass #assert astat in self.univariate #hack around percentiles multiple output #bad naming import scipy.stats #BUG: the following has all per the same per=99 ##perdict = dict(('perc_%2d'%per, [lambda x: # scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(x, per), None, None]) ## for per in (1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99)) def _fun(per): return lambda x: scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(x, per) perdict = dict(('perc_%02d' % per, [_fun(per), None, None]) for per in (1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99)) if 'percentiles' in stats: self.univariate.update(perdict) idx = stats.index('percentiles') stats[idx:idx+1] = sorted(iterkeys(perdict)) #JP: this does not allow a change in sequence, sequence in stats is #ignored #this is just an if condition if any([aitem[1] for aitem in iteritems(self.univariate) if aitem[0] in stats]): if columns == 'all': self._columns_list = [] if self._arraytype == 'sctruct': self._columns_list = self.dataset.dtype.names #self._columns_list = [col for col in # self.dataset.dtype.names if # (self._is_dtype_like(col)=='number')] else: self._columns_list = lrange(self.dataset.shape[1]) else: self._columns_list = columns if self._arraytype == 'sctruct': for col in self._columns_list: assert (col in self.dataset.dtype.names) else: assert self._is_dtype_like(self.dataset) == 'number' columstypes = self.dataset.dtype #TODO: do we need to make sure they dtype is float64 ? for astat in stats: calc = self.univariate[astat] if self._arraytype == 'sctruct': calc[1] = self._columns_list calc[2] = [calc[0](self.dataset[col]) for col in self._columns_list if (self._is_dtype_like(col) == 'number')] #calc[2].append([len(np.unique(self.dataset[col])) for col # in self._columns_list if # self._is_dtype_like(col)=='string'] else: calc[1] = ['Col '+str(col) for col in self._columns_list] calc[2] = [calc[0](self.dataset[:,col]) for col in self._columns_list] return self.print_summary(stats, orientation=orientation) else: return self.print_summary(stats, orientation=orientation) def print_summary(self, stats, orientation='auto'): #TODO: need to specify a table formating for the numbers, using defualt title = 'Summary Statistics' header = stats stubs = self.univariate['obs'][1] data = [[self.univariate[astat][2][col] for astat in stats] for col in range(len(self.univariate['obs'][2]))] if (orientation == 'varcols') or \ (orientation == 'auto' and len(stubs) < len(header)): #swap rows and columns data = lmap(lambda *row: list(row), *data) header, stubs = stubs, header part_fmt = dict(data_fmts = ["%#8.4g"]*(len(header)-1)) table = SimpleTable(data, header, stubs, title=title, txt_fmt = part_fmt) return table @Appender(sign_test.__doc__) # i.e. module-level sign_test def sign_test(self, samp, mu0=0): return sign_test(samp, mu0) #TODO: There must be a better way but formating the stats of a fuction that # returns 2 values is a problem. #def sign_test_m(samp,mu0=0): #return self.sign_test(samp,mu0)[0] #def sign_test_p(samp,mu0=0): #return self.sign_test(samp,mu0)[1] if __name__ == "__main__": #unittest.main() data4 = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6], [6,5,4,3,2,1], [9,9,9,9,9,9]]) t1 = Describe(data4) #print(t1.summary(stats='all')) noperc = ['obs', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max', 'ptp', #'mode', #'var', 'median', 'skew', 'uss', 'kurtosis'] #TODO: mode var raise exception, #TODO: percentile writes list in cell (?), huge wide format print(t1.summary(stats=noperc)) print(t1.summary()) print(t1.summary( orientation='varcols')) print(t1.summary(stats=['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max'], orientation=('varcols'))) print(t1.summary(stats='all')) data1 = np.array([(1,2,'a','aa'), (2,3,'b','bb'), (2,4,'b','cc')], dtype = [('alpha',float), ('beta', int), ('gamma', '|S1'), ('delta', '|S2')]) data2 = np.array([(1,2), (2,3), (2,4)], dtype = [('alpha',float), ('beta', float)]) data3 = np.array([[1,2,4,4], [2,3,3,3], [2,4,4,3]], dtype=float) class TestSimpleTable(object): #from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable, default_txt_fmt def test_basic_1(self): print('test_basic_1') t1 = Describe(data1) print(t1.summary()) def test_basic_2(self): print('test_basic_2') t2 = Describe(data2) print(t2.summary()) def test_describe_summary_float_ndarray(self): print('test_describe_summary_float_ndarray') t1 = Describe(data3) print(t1.summary()) def test_basic_4(self): print('test_basic_4') t1 = Describe(data4) print(t1.summary()) def test_basic_1a(self): print('test_basic_1a') t1 = Describe(data1) print(t1.summary(stats='basic', columns=['alpha'])) def test_basic_1b(self): print('test_basic_1b') t1 = Describe(data1) print(t1.summary(stats='basic', columns='all')) def test_basic_2a(self): print('test_basic_2a') t2 = Describe(data2) print(t2.summary(stats='all')) def test_basic_3(aself): t1 = Describe(data3) print(t1.summary(stats='all')) def test_basic_4a(self): t1 = Describe(data4) print(t1.summary(stats='all'))