Code written using below textbook as a reference.
Results are checked against the expected outcomes in the text book.
Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles and
practice. OTexts, 2014.
Author: Terence L van Zyl
Modified: Kevin Sheppard
from statsmodels.compat.python import string_types
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import basinhopping, brute, minimize
from scipy.spatial.distance import sqeuclidean
from scipy.special import inv_boxcox
from scipy.stats import boxcox
from statsmodels.base.model import Results
from statsmodels.base.wrapper import populate_wrapper, union_dicts, ResultsWrapper
from statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model import TimeSeriesModel
from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import freq_to_period
import statsmodels.tsa._exponential_smoothers as smoothers
def _holt_init(x, xi, p, y, l, b):
"""Initialization for the Holt Models"""
p[xi.astype(np.bool)] = x
alpha, beta, _, l0, b0, phi = p[:6]
alphac = 1 - alpha
betac = 1 - beta
y_alpha = alpha * y
l[:] = 0
b[:] = 0
l[0] = l0
b[0] = b0
return alpha, beta, phi, alphac, betac, y_alpha
def _holt__(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Simple Exponential Smoothing
Minimization Function
alpha, beta, phi, alphac, betac, y_alpha = _holt_init(x, xi, p, y, l, b)
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) + (alphac * (l[i - 1]))
return sqeuclidean(l, y)
def _holt_mul_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Multiplicative and Multiplicative Damped
Minimization Function
(M,) & (Md,)
alpha, beta, phi, alphac, betac, y_alpha = _holt_init(x, xi, p, y, l, b)
if alpha == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) + (alphac * (l[i - 1] * b[i - 1]**phi))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] / l[i - 1])) + (betac * b[i - 1]**phi)
return sqeuclidean(l * b**phi, y)
def _holt_add_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Additive and Additive Damped
Minimization Function
(A,) & (Ad,)
alpha, beta, phi, alphac, betac, y_alpha = _holt_init(x, xi, p, y, l, b)
if alpha == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) + (alphac * (l[i - 1] + phi * b[i - 1]))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] - l[i - 1])) + (betac * phi * b[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean(l + phi * b, y)
def _holt_win_init(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m):
"""Initialization for the Holt Winters Seasonal Models"""
p[xi.astype(np.bool)] = x
alpha, beta, gamma, l0, b0, phi = p[:6]
s0 = p[6:]
alphac = 1 - alpha
betac = 1 - beta
gammac = 1 - gamma
y_alpha = alpha * y
y_gamma = gamma * y
l[:] = 0
b[:] = 0
s[:] = 0
l[0] = l0
b[0] = b0
s[:m] = s0
return alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma
def _holt_win__mul(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Multiplicative Seasonal
Minimization Function
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha == 0.0:
return max_seen
if gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1] / s[i - 1]) + (alphac * (l[i - 1]))
s[i + m - 1] = (y_gamma[i - 1] / (l[i - 1])) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean(l * s[:-(m - 1)], y)
def _holt_win__add(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Additive Seasonal
Minimization Function
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha == 0.0:
return max_seen
if gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) - (alpha * s[i - 1]) + (alphac * (l[i - 1]))
s[i + m - 1] = y_gamma[i - 1] - (gamma * (l[i - 1])) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean(l + s[:-(m - 1)], y)
def _holt_win_add_mul_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Additive and Additive Damped with Multiplicative Seasonal
Minimization Function
(A,M) & (Ad,M)
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha * beta == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha or gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1] / s[i - 1]) + \
(alphac * (l[i - 1] + phi * b[i - 1]))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] - l[i - 1])) + (betac * phi * b[i - 1])
s[i + m - 1] = (y_gamma[i - 1] / (l[i - 1] + phi *
b[i - 1])) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean((l + phi * b) * s[:-(m - 1)], y)
def _holt_win_mul_mul_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Multiplicative and Multiplicative Damped with Multiplicative Seasonal
Minimization Function
(M,M) & (Md,M)
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha * beta == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha or gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1] / s[i - 1]) + \
(alphac * (l[i - 1] * b[i - 1]**phi))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] / l[i - 1])) + (betac * b[i - 1]**phi)
s[i + m - 1] = (y_gamma[i - 1] / (l[i - 1] *
b[i - 1]**phi)) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean((l * b**phi) * s[:-(m - 1)], y)
def _holt_win_add_add_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Additive and Additive Damped with Additive Seasonal
Minimization Function
(A,A) & (Ad,A)
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha * beta == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha or gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) - (alpha * s[i - 1]) + \
(alphac * (l[i - 1] + phi * b[i - 1]))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] - l[i - 1])) + (betac * phi * b[i - 1])
s[i + m - 1] = y_gamma[i - 1] - (gamma * (l[i - 1] + phi * b[i - 1])) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean((l + phi * b) + s[:-(m - 1)], y)
def _holt_win_mul_add_dam(x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m, n, max_seen):
Multiplicative and Multiplicative Damped with Additive Seasonal
Minimization Function
(M,A) & (M,Ad)
alpha, beta, gamma, phi, alphac, betac, gammac, y_alpha, y_gamma = _holt_win_init(
x, xi, p, y, l, b, s, m)
if alpha * beta == 0.0:
return max_seen
if beta > alpha or gamma > 1 - alpha:
return max_seen
for i in range(1, n):
l[i] = (y_alpha[i - 1]) - (alpha * s[i - 1]) + \
(alphac * (l[i - 1] * b[i - 1]**phi))
b[i] = (beta * (l[i] / l[i - 1])) + (betac * b[i - 1]**phi)
s[i + m - 1] = y_gamma[i - 1] - \
(gamma * (l[i - 1] * b[i - 1]**phi)) + (gammac * s[i - 1])
return sqeuclidean((l * phi * b) + s[:-(m - 1)], y)
SMOOTHERS = {('mul', 'add'): smoothers._holt_win_add_mul_dam,
('mul', 'mul'): smoothers._holt_win_mul_mul_dam,
('mul', None): smoothers._holt_win__mul,
('add', 'add'): smoothers._holt_win_add_add_dam,
('add', 'mul'): smoothers._holt_win_mul_add_dam,
('add', None): smoothers._holt_win__add,
(None, 'add'): smoothers._holt_add_dam,
(None, 'mul'): smoothers._holt_mul_dam,
(None, None): smoothers._holt__}
PY_SMOOTHERS = {('mul', 'add'): _holt_win_add_mul_dam,
('mul', 'mul'): _holt_win_mul_mul_dam,
('mul', None): _holt_win__mul,
('add', 'add'): _holt_win_add_add_dam,
('add', 'mul'): _holt_win_mul_add_dam,
('add', None): _holt_win__add,
(None, 'add'): _holt_add_dam,
(None, 'mul'): _holt_mul_dam,
(None, None): _holt__}
[docs]class HoltWintersResults(Results):
Holt Winter's Exponential Smoothing Results
model : ExponentialSmoothing instance
The fitted model instance
params : dict
All the parameters for the Exponential Smoothing model.
params: dict
All the parameters for the Exponential Smoothing model.
params_formatted: pd.DataFrame
DataFrame containing all parameters, their short names and a flag
indicating whether the parameter's value was optimized to fit the data.
fittedfcast: array
An array of both the fitted values and forecast values.
fittedvalues: array
An array of the fitted values. Fitted by the Exponential Smoothing
fcastvalues: array
An array of the forecast values forecast by the Exponential Smoothing
sse: float
The sum of squared errors
level: array
An array of the levels values that make up the fitted values.
slope: array
An array of the slope values that make up the fitted values.
season: array
An array of the seasonal values that make up the fitted values.
aic: float
The Akaike information criterion.
bic: float
The Bayesian information criterion.
aicc: float
AIC with a correction for finite sample sizes.
resid: array
An array of the residuals of the fittedvalues and actual values.
k: int
the k parameter used to remove the bias in AIC, BIC etc.
optimized: bool
Flag indicating whether the model parameters were optimized to fit
the data.
mle_retvals: {None, scipy.optimize.optimize.OptimizeResult}
Optimization results if the parameters were optimized to fit the data.
def __init__(self, model, params, **kwargs):
self.data = model.data
super(HoltWintersResults, self).__init__(model, params, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self, start=None, end=None):
In-sample prediction and out-of-sample forecasting
start : int, str, or datetime, optional
Zero-indexed observation number at which to start forecasting, ie.,
the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
parse or a datetime type. Default is the the zeroth observation.
end : int, str, or datetime, optional
Zero-indexed observation number at which to end forecasting, ie.,
the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
parse or a datetime type. However, if the dates index does not
have a fixed frequency, end must be an integer index if you
want out of sample prediction. Default is the last observation in
the sample.
forecast : array
Array of out of sample forecasts.
return self.model.predict(self.params, start, end)
[docs] def forecast(self, steps=1):
Out-of-sample forecasts
steps : int
The number of out of sample forecasts from the end of the
forecast : array
Array of out of sample forecasts
freq = getattr(self.model._index, 'freq', 1)
start = self.model._index[-1] + freq
end = self.model._index[-1] + steps * freq
return self.model.predict(self.params, start=start, end=end)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
# May occur when the index doesn't have a freq
return self.model._predict(h=steps, **self.params).fcastvalues
[docs] def summary(self):
Summarize the fitted Model
smry : Summary instance
This holds the summary table and text, which can be printed or
converted to various output formats.
See Also
from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary
from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable
model = self.model
title = model.__class__.__name__ + ' Model Results'
dep_variable = 'endog'
if isinstance(self.model.endog, pd.DataFrame):
dep_variable = self.model.endog.columns[0]
elif isinstance(self.model.endog, pd.Series):
dep_variable = self.model.endog.name
seasonal_periods = None if self.model.seasonal is None else self.model.seasonal_periods
lookup = {'add': 'Additive', 'additive': 'Additive',
'mul': 'Multiplicative', 'multiplicative': 'Multiplicative', None: 'None'}
transform = self.params['use_boxcox']
box_cox_transform = True if transform else False
box_cox_coeff = transform if isinstance(transform, string_types) else self.params['lamda']
if isinstance(box_cox_coeff, float):
box_cox_coeff = '{:>10.5f}'.format(box_cox_coeff)
top_left = [('Dep. Variable:', [dep_variable]),
('Model:', [model.__class__.__name__]),
('Optimized:', [str(np.any(self.optimized))]),
('Trend:', [lookup[self.model.trend]]),
('Seasonal:', [lookup[self.model.seasonal]]),
('Seasonal Periods:', [str(seasonal_periods)]),
('Box-Cox:', [str(box_cox_transform)]),
('Box-Cox Coeff.:', [str(box_cox_coeff)])]
top_right = [
('No. Observations:', [str(len(self.model.endog))]),
('SSE', ['{:5.3f}'.format(self.sse)]),
('AIC', ['{:5.3f}'.format(self.aic)]),
('BIC', ['{:5.3f}'.format(self.bic)]),
('AICC', ['{:5.3f}'.format(self.aicc)]),
('Date:', None),
('Time:', None)]
smry = Summary()
smry.add_table_2cols(self, gleft=top_left, gright=top_right,
formatted = self.params_formatted # type: pd.DataFrame
def _fmt(x):
abs_x = np.abs(x)
scale = 1
if abs_x != 0:
scale = int(np.log10(abs_x))
if scale > 4 or scale < -3:
return '{:>20.5g}'.format(x)
dec = min(7 - scale, 7)
fmt = '{{:>20.{0}f}}'.format(dec)
return fmt.format(x)
tab = []
for _, vals in formatted.iterrows():
params_table = SimpleTable(tab, headers=['coeff', 'code', 'optimized'],
return smry
class HoltWintersResultsWrapper(ResultsWrapper):
_attrs = {'fittedvalues': 'rows',
'level': 'rows',
'resid': 'rows',
'season': 'rows',
'slope': 'rows'}
_wrap_attrs = union_dicts(ResultsWrapper._wrap_attrs, _attrs)
_methods = {'predict': 'dates',
'forecast': 'dates'}
_wrap_methods = union_dicts(ResultsWrapper._wrap_methods, _methods)
populate_wrapper(HoltWintersResultsWrapper, HoltWintersResults)
[docs]class ExponentialSmoothing(TimeSeriesModel):
Holt Winter's Exponential Smoothing
endog : array-like
Time series
trend : {"add", "mul", "additive", "multiplicative", None}, optional
Type of trend component.
damped : bool, optional
Should the trend component be damped.
seasonal : {"add", "mul", "additive", "multiplicative", None}, optional
Type of seasonal component.
seasonal_periods : int, optional
The number of periods in a complete seasonal cycle, e.g., 4 for
quarterly data or 7 for daily data with a weekly cycle.
results : ExponentialSmoothing class
This is a full implementation of the holt winters exponential smoothing as
per [1]_. This includes all the unstable methods as well as the stable
methods. The implementation of the library covers the functionality of the
R library as much as possible whilst still being Pythonic.
.. [1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
def __init__(self, endog, trend=None, damped=False, seasonal=None,
seasonal_periods=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none'):
super(ExponentialSmoothing, self).__init__(
endog, None, dates, freq, missing=missing)
if trend in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
trend = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[trend]
self.trend = trend
self.damped = damped
if seasonal in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
seasonal = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[seasonal]
self.seasonal = seasonal
self.trending = trend in ['mul', 'add']
self.seasoning = seasonal in ['mul', 'add']
if (self.trend == 'mul' or self.seasonal == 'mul') and np.any(endog <= 0.0):
raise ValueError('endog must be strictly positive when using multiplicative '
'trend or seasonal components.')
if self.damped and not self.trending:
raise ValueError('Can only dampen the trend component')
if self.seasoning:
self.seasonal_periods = seasonal_periods
if seasonal_periods is None:
self.seasonal_periods = freq_to_period(self._index_freq)
if self.seasonal_periods <= 1:
raise ValueError('seasonal_periods must be larger than 1.')
self.seasonal_periods = 0
self.nobs = len(self.endog)
[docs] def predict(self, params, start=None, end=None):
Returns in-sample and out-of-sample prediction.
params : array
The fitted model parameters.
start : int, str, or datetime
Zero-indexed observation number at which to start forecasting, ie.,
the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
parse or a datetime type.
end : int, str, or datetime
Zero-indexed observation number at which to end forecasting, ie.,
the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
parse or a datetime type.
predicted values : array
if start is None:
freq = getattr(self._index, 'freq', 1)
start = self._index[-1] + freq
start, end, out_of_sample, prediction_index = self._get_prediction_index(
start=start, end=end)
if out_of_sample > 0:
res = self._predict(h=out_of_sample, **params)
res = self._predict(h=0, **params)
return res.fittedfcast[start:end + out_of_sample + 1]
[docs] def fit(self, smoothing_level=None, smoothing_slope=None, smoothing_seasonal=None,
damping_slope=None, optimized=True, use_boxcox=False, remove_bias=False,
use_basinhopping=False, start_params=None, initial_level=None, initial_slope=None,
Fit the model
smoothing_level : float, optional
The alpha value of the simple exponential smoothing, if the value
is set then this value will be used as the value.
smoothing_slope : float, optional
The beta value of the Holt's trend method, if the value is
set then this value will be used as the value.
smoothing_seasonal : float, optional
The gamma value of the holt winters seasonal method, if the value
is set then this value will be used as the value.
damping_slope : float, optional
The phi value of the damped method, if the value is
set then this value will be used as the value.
optimized : bool, optional
Estimate model parameters by maximizing the log-likelihood
use_boxcox : {True, False, 'log', float}, optional
Should the Box-Cox transform be applied to the data first? If 'log'
then apply the log. If float then use lambda equal to float.
remove_bias : bool, optional
Remove bias from forecast values and fitted values by enforcing
that the average residual is equal to zero.
use_basinhopping : bool, optional
Using Basin Hopping optimizer to find optimal values
start_params: array, optional
Starting values to used when optimizing the fit. If not provided,
starting values are determined using a combination of grid search
and reasonable values based on the initial values of the data
initial_level: float, optional
Value to use when initializing the fitted level.
initial_slope: float, optional
Value to use when initializing the fitted slope.
use_brute: bool, optional
Search for good starting values using a brute force (grid)
optimizer. If False, a naive set of starting values is used.
results : HoltWintersResults class
See statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.HoltWintersResults
This is a full implementation of the holt winters exponential smoothing
as per [1]. This includes all the unstable methods as well as the
stable methods. The implementation of the library covers the
functionality of the R library as much as possible whilst still
being Pythonic.
[1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
# Variable renames to alpha,beta, etc as this helps with following the
# mathematical notation in general
alpha = smoothing_level
beta = smoothing_slope
gamma = smoothing_seasonal
phi = damping_slope
l0 = self._l0 = initial_level
b0 = self._b0 = initial_slope
data = self.endog
damped = self.damped
seasoning = self.seasoning
trending = self.trending
trend = self.trend
seasonal = self.seasonal
m = self.seasonal_periods
opt = None
phi = phi if damped else 1.0
if use_boxcox == 'log':
lamda = 0.0
y = boxcox(data, lamda)
elif isinstance(use_boxcox, float):
lamda = use_boxcox
y = boxcox(data, lamda)
elif use_boxcox:
y, lamda = boxcox(data)
lamda = None
y = data.squeeze()
if np.ndim(y) != 1:
raise ValueError('Only 1 dimensional data supported')
self._y = y
lvls = np.zeros(self.nobs)
b = np.zeros(self.nobs)
s = np.zeros(self.nobs + m - 1)
p = np.zeros(6 + m)
max_seen = np.finfo(np.double).max
l0, b0, s0 = self.initial_values()
xi = np.zeros_like(p, dtype=np.bool)
if optimized:
init_alpha = alpha if alpha is not None else 0.5 / max(m, 1)
init_beta = beta if beta is not None else 0.1 * init_alpha if trending else beta
init_gamma = None
init_phi = phi if phi is not None else 0.99
# Selection of functions to optimize for appropriate parameters
if seasoning:
init_gamma = gamma if gamma is not None else 0.05 * \
(1 - init_alpha)
xi = np.array([alpha is None, trending and beta is None, gamma is None,
initial_level is None, trending and initial_slope is None,
phi is None and damped] + [True] * m)
func = SMOOTHERS[(seasonal, trend)]
elif trending:
xi = np.array([alpha is None, beta is None, False,
initial_level is None, initial_slope is None,
phi is None and damped] + [False] * m)
func = SMOOTHERS[(None, trend)]
xi = np.array([alpha is None, False, False,
initial_level is None, False, False] + [False] * m)
func = SMOOTHERS[(None, None)]
p[:] = [init_alpha, init_beta, init_gamma, l0, b0, init_phi] + s0
if np.any(xi):
# txi [alpha, beta, gamma, l0, b0, phi, s0,..,s_(m-1)]
# Have a quick look in the region for a good starting place for alpha etc.
# using guesstimates for the levels
txi = xi & np.array([True, True, True, False, False, True] + [False] * m)
txi = txi.astype(np.bool)
bounds = np.array([(0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0),
(0.0, None), (0.0, None), (0.0, 1.0)] + [(None, None), ] * m)
args = (txi.astype(np.uint8), p, y, lvls, b, s, m, self.nobs, max_seen)
if start_params is None and np.any(txi) and use_brute:
res = brute(func, bounds[txi], args, Ns=20, full_output=True, finish=None)
p[txi], max_seen, _, _ = res
if start_params is not None:
start_params = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(start_params))
if len(start_params) != xi.sum():
raise ValueError('start_params must have {0} values but '
'has {1} instead'.format(len(xi), len(start_params)))
p[xi] = start_params
args = (xi.astype(np.uint8), p, y, lvls, b, s, m, self.nobs, max_seen)
max_seen = func(np.ascontiguousarray(p[xi]), *args)
# alpha, beta, gamma, l0, b0, phi = p[:6]
# s0 = p[6:]
# bounds = np.array([(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0),(0.0,None),
# (0.0,None),(0.8,1.0)] + [(None,None),]*m)
args = (xi.astype(np.uint8), p, y, lvls, b, s, m, self.nobs, max_seen)
if use_basinhopping:
# Take a deeper look in the local minimum we are in to find the best
# solution to parameters, maybe hop around to try escape the local
# minimum we may be in.
res = basinhopping(func, p[xi],
minimizer_kwargs={'args': args, 'bounds': bounds[xi]},
success = res.lowest_optimization_result.success
# Take a deeper look in the local minimum we are in to find the best
# solution to parameters
res = minimize(func, p[xi], args=args, bounds=bounds[xi])
success = res.success
if not success:
from warnings import warn
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
warn("Optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals.",
p[xi] = res.x
opt = res
from warnings import warn
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import EstimationWarning
message = "Model has no free parameters to estimate. Set " \
"optimized=False to suppress this warning"
warn(message, EstimationWarning)
[alpha, beta, gamma, l0, b0, phi] = p[:6]
s0 = p[6:]
hwfit = self._predict(h=0, smoothing_level=alpha, smoothing_slope=beta,
smoothing_seasonal=gamma, damping_slope=phi,
initial_level=l0, initial_slope=b0, initial_seasons=s0,
use_boxcox=use_boxcox, remove_bias=remove_bias, is_optimized=xi)
hwfit._results.mle_retvals = opt
return hwfit
[docs] def initial_values(self):
Compute initial values used in the exponential smoothing recursions
initial_level : float
The initial value used for the level component
initial_slope : {float, None}
The initial value used for the trend component
initial_seasons : list
The initial values used for the seasonal components
Convenience function the exposes the values used to initialize the
recursions. When optimizing parameters these are used as starting
Method used to compute the initial value depends on when components
are included in the model. In a simple exponential smoothing model
without trend or a seasonal components, the initial value is set to the
first observation. When a trend is added, the trend is initialized
either using y[1]/y[0], if multiplicative, or y[1]-y[0]. When the
seasonal component is added the initialization adapts to account for
the modified structure.
y = self._y
trend = self.trend
seasonal = self.seasonal
seasoning = self.seasoning
trending = self.trending
m = self.seasonal_periods
l0 = self._l0
b0 = self._b0
if seasoning:
l0 = y[np.arange(self.nobs) % m == 0].mean() if l0 is None else l0
if b0 is None and trending:
lead, lag = y[m:m + m], y[:m]
if trend == 'mul':
b0 = np.exp((np.log(lead.mean()) - np.log(lag.mean())) / m)
b0 = ((lead - lag) / m).mean()
s0 = list(y[:m] / l0) if seasonal == 'mul' else list(y[:m] - l0)
elif trending:
l0 = y[0] if l0 is None else l0
if b0 is None:
b0 = y[1] / y[0] if trend == 'mul' else y[1] - y[0]
s0 = []
if l0 is None:
l0 = y[0]
b0 = None
s0 = []
return l0, b0, s0
def _predict(self, h=None, smoothing_level=None, smoothing_slope=None,
smoothing_seasonal=None, initial_level=None, initial_slope=None,
damping_slope=None, initial_seasons=None, use_boxcox=None, lamda=None,
remove_bias=None, is_optimized=None):
Helper prediction function
h : int, optional
The number of time steps to forecast ahead.
# Variable renames to alpha, beta, etc as this helps with following the
# mathematical notation in general
alpha = smoothing_level
beta = smoothing_slope
gamma = smoothing_seasonal
phi = damping_slope
# Start in sample and out of sample predictions
data = self.endog
damped = self.damped
seasoning = self.seasoning
trending = self.trending
trend = self.trend
seasonal = self.seasonal
m = self.seasonal_periods
phi = phi if damped else 1.0
if use_boxcox == 'log':
lamda = 0.0
y = boxcox(data, 0.0)
elif isinstance(use_boxcox, float):
lamda = use_boxcox
y = boxcox(data, lamda)
elif use_boxcox:
y, lamda = boxcox(data)
lamda = None
y = data.squeeze()
if np.ndim(y) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError('Only 1 dimensional data supported')
y_alpha = np.zeros((self.nobs,))
y_gamma = np.zeros((self.nobs,))
alphac = 1 - alpha
y_alpha[:] = alpha * y
if trending:
betac = 1 - beta
if seasoning:
gammac = 1 - gamma
y_gamma[:] = gamma * y
lvls = np.zeros((self.nobs + h + 1,))
b = np.zeros((self.nobs + h + 1,))
s = np.zeros((self.nobs + h + m + 1,))
lvls[0] = initial_level
b[0] = initial_slope
s[:m] = initial_seasons
phi_h = np.cumsum(np.repeat(phi, h + 1)**np.arange(1, h + 1 + 1)
) if damped else np.arange(1, h + 1 + 1)
trended = {'mul': np.multiply,
'add': np.add,
None: lambda l, b: l
detrend = {'mul': np.divide,
'add': np.subtract,
None: lambda l, b: 0
dampen = {'mul': np.power,
'add': np.multiply,
None: lambda b, phi: 0
nobs = self.nobs
if seasonal == 'mul':
for i in range(1, nobs + 1):
lvls[i] = y_alpha[i - 1] / s[i - 1] + \
(alphac * trended(lvls[i - 1], dampen(b[i - 1], phi)))
if trending:
b[i] = (beta * detrend(lvls[i], lvls[i - 1])) + \
(betac * dampen(b[i - 1], phi))
s[i + m - 1] = y_gamma[i - 1] / trended(lvls[i - 1], dampen(b[i - 1], phi)) + \
(gammac * s[i - 1])
slope = b[1:nobs + 1].copy()
season = s[m:nobs + m].copy()
lvls[nobs:] = lvls[nobs]
if trending:
b[:nobs] = dampen(b[:nobs], phi)
b[nobs:] = dampen(b[nobs], phi_h)
trend = trended(lvls, b)
s[nobs + m - 1:] = [s[(nobs - 1) + j % m] for j in range(h + 1 + 1)]
fitted = trend * s[:-m]
elif seasonal == 'add':
for i in range(1, nobs + 1):
lvls[i] = y_alpha[i - 1] - (alpha * s[i - 1]) + \
(alphac * trended(lvls[i - 1], dampen(b[i - 1], phi)))
if trending:
b[i] = (beta * detrend(lvls[i], lvls[i - 1])) + \
(betac * dampen(b[i - 1], phi))
s[i + m - 1] = y_gamma[i - 1] - \
(gamma * trended(lvls[i - 1], dampen(b[i - 1], phi))) + \
(gammac * s[i - 1])
slope = b[1:nobs + 1].copy()
season = s[m:nobs + m].copy()
lvls[nobs:] = lvls[nobs]
if trending:
b[:nobs] = dampen(b[:nobs], phi)
b[nobs:] = dampen(b[nobs], phi_h)
trend = trended(lvls, b)
s[nobs + m - 1:] = [s[(nobs - 1) + j % m] for j in range(h + 1 + 1)]
fitted = trend + s[:-m]
for i in range(1, nobs + 1):
lvls[i] = y_alpha[i - 1] + \
(alphac * trended(lvls[i - 1], dampen(b[i - 1], phi)))
if trending:
b[i] = (beta * detrend(lvls[i], lvls[i - 1])) + \
(betac * dampen(b[i - 1], phi))
slope = b[1:nobs + 1].copy()
season = s[m:nobs + m].copy()
lvls[nobs:] = lvls[nobs]
if trending:
b[:nobs] = dampen(b[:nobs], phi)
b[nobs:] = dampen(b[nobs], phi_h)
trend = trended(lvls, b)
fitted = trend
level = lvls[1:nobs + 1].copy()
if use_boxcox or use_boxcox == 'log' or isinstance(use_boxcox, float):
fitted = inv_boxcox(fitted, lamda)
level = inv_boxcox(level, lamda)
slope = detrend(trend[:nobs], level)
if seasonal == 'add':
season = (fitted - inv_boxcox(trend, lamda))[:nobs]
else: # seasonal == 'mul':
season = (fitted / inv_boxcox(trend, lamda))[:nobs]
sse = sqeuclidean(fitted[:-h - 1], data)
# (s0 + gamma) + (b0 + beta) + (l0 + alpha) + phi
k = m * seasoning + 2 * trending + 2 + 1 * damped
aic = self.nobs * np.log(sse / self.nobs) + k * 2
if self.nobs - k - 3 > 0:
aicc_penalty = (2 * (k + 2) * (k + 3)) / (self.nobs - k - 3)
aicc_penalty = np.inf
aicc = aic + aicc_penalty
bic = self.nobs * np.log(sse / self.nobs) + k * np.log(self.nobs)
resid = data - fitted[:-h - 1]
if remove_bias:
fitted += resid.mean()
if not damped:
phi = np.NaN
self.params = {'smoothing_level': alpha,
'smoothing_slope': beta,
'smoothing_seasonal': gamma,
'damping_slope': phi,
'initial_level': lvls[0],
'initial_slope': b[0],
'initial_seasons': s[:m],
'use_boxcox': use_boxcox,
'lamda': lamda,
'remove_bias': remove_bias}
# Format parameters into a DataFrame
codes = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'l.0', 'b.0', 'phi']
codes += ['s.{0}'.format(i) for i in range(m)]
idx = ['smoothing_level', 'smoothing_slope', 'smoothing_seasonal',
'initial_level', 'initial_slope', 'damping_slope']
idx += ['initial_seasons.{0}'.format(i) for i in range(m)]
formatted = [alpha, beta, gamma, lvls[0], b[0], phi]
formatted += s[:m].tolist()
formatted = list(map(lambda v: np.nan if v is None else v, formatted))
formatted = np.array(formatted)
if is_optimized is None:
optimized = np.zeros(len(codes), dtype=np.bool)
optimized = is_optimized.astype(np.bool)
included = [True, trending, seasoning, True, trending, damped]
included += [True] * m
formatted = pd.DataFrame([[c, f, o] for c, f, o in zip(codes, formatted, optimized)],
columns=['name', 'param', 'optimized'],
formatted = formatted.loc[included]
hwfit = HoltWintersResults(self, self.params, fittedfcast=fitted,
fittedvalues=fitted[:-h - 1], fcastvalues=fitted[-h - 1:],
sse=sse, level=level, slope=slope, season=season, aic=aic,
bic=bic, aicc=aicc, resid=resid, k=k,
params_formatted=formatted, optimized=optimized)
return HoltWintersResultsWrapper(hwfit)
[docs]class SimpleExpSmoothing(ExponentialSmoothing):
Simple Exponential Smoothing
endog : array-like
Time series
results : SimpleExpSmoothing class
This is a full implementation of the simple exponential smoothing as
per [1]_. `SimpleExpSmoothing` is a restricted version of
See Also
.. [1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
def __init__(self, endog):
super(SimpleExpSmoothing, self).__init__(endog)
[docs] def fit(self, smoothing_level=None, optimized=True, start_params=None,
initial_level=None, use_brute=True):
Fit the model
smoothing_level : float, optional
The smoothing_level value of the simple exponential smoothing, if
the value is set then this value will be used as the value.
optimized : bool, optional
Estimate model parameters by maximizing the log-likelihood
start_params: array, optional
Starting values to used when optimizing the fit. If not provided,
starting values are determined using a combination of grid search
and reasonable values based on the initial values of the data
initial_level: float, optional
Value to use when initializing the fitted level.
use_brute: bool, optional
Search for good starting values using a brute force (grid)
optimizer. If False, a naive set of starting values is used.
results : HoltWintersResults class
See statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.HoltWintersResults
This is a full implementation of the simple exponential smoothing as
per [1].
[1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
return super(SimpleExpSmoothing, self).fit(smoothing_level=smoothing_level,
optimized=optimized, start_params=start_params,
[docs]class Holt(ExponentialSmoothing):
Holt's Exponential Smoothing
endog : array-like
Time series
exponential : bool, optional
Type of trend component.
damped : bool, optional
Should the trend component be damped.
results : Holt class
This is a full implementation of the Holt's exponential smoothing as
per [1]_. `Holt` is a restricted version of :class:`ExponentialSmoothing`.
See Also
.. [1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
def __init__(self, endog, exponential=False, damped=False):
trend = 'mul' if exponential else 'add'
super(Holt, self).__init__(endog, trend=trend, damped=damped)
[docs] def fit(self, smoothing_level=None, smoothing_slope=None, damping_slope=None,
optimized=True, start_params=None, initial_level=None,
initial_slope=None, use_brute=True):
Fit the model
smoothing_level : float, optional
The alpha value of the simple exponential smoothing, if the value
is set then this value will be used as the value.
smoothing_slope : float, optional
The beta value of the Holt's trend method, if the value is
set then this value will be used as the value.
damping_slope : float, optional
The phi value of the damped method, if the value is
set then this value will be used as the value.
optimized : bool, optional
Estimate model parameters by maximizing the log-likelihood
start_params: array, optional
Starting values to used when optimizing the fit. If not provided,
starting values are determined using a combination of grid search
and reasonable values based on the initial values of the data
initial_level: float, optional
Value to use when initializing the fitted level.
initial_slope: float, optional
Value to use when initializing the fitted slope.
use_brute: bool, optional
Search for good starting values using a brute force (grid)
optimizer. If False, a naive set of starting values is used.
results : HoltWintersResults class
See statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.HoltWintersResults
This is a full implementation of the Holt's exponential smoothing as
per [1].
[1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles
and practice. OTexts, 2014.
return super(Holt, self).fit(smoothing_level=smoothing_level,
smoothing_slope=smoothing_slope, damping_slope=damping_slope,
optimized=optimized, start_params=start_params,
initial_level=None, initial_slope=None, use_brute=use_brute)