(formula, vc_formulas, data, vcp_p=1, fe_p=2, vcp_names=None, vc_names=None)[source]¶ Fit a BayesMixedGLM using a formula.
- Parameters
- formulastring
Formula for the endog and fixed effects terms (use ~ to separate dependent and independent expressions).
- vc_formulasdictionary
vc_formulas[name] is a one-sided formula that creates one collection of random effects with a common variance prameter. If using a categorical expression to produce variance components, note that generally 0 + … should be used so that an intercept is not included.
- datadata frame
The data to which the formulas are applied.
- familygenmod.families instance
A GLM family.
- vcp_pfloat
The prior standard deviation for the logarithms of the standard deviations of the random effects.
- fe_pfloat
The prior standard deviation for the fixed effects parameters.