Source code for statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model

Limited dependent variable and qualitative variables.

Includes binary outcomes, count data, (ordered) ordinal data and limited
dependent variables.

General References

A.C. Cameron and P.K. Trivedi.  `Regression Analysis of Count Data`.
    Cambridge, 1998

G.S. Madalla. `Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics`.
    Cambridge, 1983.

W. Greene. `Econometric Analysis`. Prentice Hall, 5th. edition. 2003.
from __future__ import division

__all__ = ["Poisson", "Logit", "Probit", "MNLogit", "NegativeBinomial"]

from statsmodels.compat.python import lmap, lzip, range
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy import stats, special, optimize  # opt just for nbin
import as tools
from import data as data_tools
from import (resettable_cache,
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
from scipy import stats, special, optimize  # opt just for nbin
from scipy.stats import nbinom
from import PerfectSeparationError
from import (approx_fprime, approx_hess,
                                       approx_hess_cs, approx_fprime_cs)
import statsmodels.base.model as base
from import handle_data  # for mnlogit
import statsmodels.regression.linear_model as lm
import statsmodels.base.wrapper as wrap
from statsmodels.compat.numpy import np_matrix_rank
from pandas.core.api import get_dummies

from statsmodels.base.l1_slsqp import fit_l1_slsqp
    import cvxopt
    have_cvxopt = True
except ImportError:
    have_cvxopt = False

#TODO: When we eventually get user-settable precision, we need to change
#      this
FLOAT_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

#TODO: add options for the parameter covariance/variance
# ie., OIM, EIM, and BHHH see Green 21.4

_discrete_models_docs = """

_discrete_results_docs = """

    model : A DiscreteModel instance
    params : array-like
        The parameters of a fitted model.
    hessian : array-like
        The hessian of the fitted model.
    scale : float
        A scale parameter for the covariance matrix.


    aic : float
        Akaike information criterion.  `-2*(llf - p)` where `p` is the number
        of regressors including the intercept.
    bic : float
        Bayesian information criterion. `-2*llf + ln(nobs)*p` where `p` is the
        number of regressors including the intercept.
    bse : array
        The standard errors of the coefficients.
    df_resid : float
        See model definition.
    df_model : float
        See model definition.
    fitted_values : array
        Linear predictor XB.
    llf : float
        Value of the loglikelihood
    llnull : float
        Value of the constant-only loglikelihood
    llr : float
        Likelihood ratio chi-squared statistic; `-2*(llnull - llf)`
    llr_pvalue : float
        The chi-squared probability of getting a log-likelihood ratio
        statistic greater than llr.  llr has a chi-squared distribution
        with degrees of freedom `df_model`.
    prsquared : float
        McFadden's pseudo-R-squared. `1 - (llf / llnull)`

_l1_results_attr = """    nnz_params : Integer
        The number of nonzero parameters in the model.  Train with
        trim_params == True or else numerical error will distort this.
    trimmed : Boolean array
        trimmed[i] == True if the ith parameter was trimmed from the model."""

# helper for MNLogit (will be generally useful later)

def _numpy_to_dummies(endog):
    if endog.dtype.kind in ['S', 'O']:
        endog_dummies, ynames = tools.categorical(endog, drop=True,
    elif endog.ndim == 2:
        endog_dummies = endog
        ynames = range(endog.shape[1])
        endog_dummies, ynames = tools.categorical(endog, drop=True,
    return endog_dummies, ynames

def _pandas_to_dummies(endog):
    if endog.ndim == 2:
        if endog.shape[1] == 1:
            yname = endog.columns[0]
            endog_dummies = get_dummies(endog.iloc[:, 0])
        else:  # series
            yname = 'y'
            endog_dummies = endog
        yname =
        endog_dummies = get_dummies(endog)
    ynames = endog_dummies.columns.tolist()

    return endog_dummies, ynames, yname

#### Private Model Classes ####

[docs]class DiscreteModel(base.LikelihoodModel): """ Abstract class for discrete choice models. This class does not do anything itself but lays out the methods and call signature expected of child classes in addition to those of statsmodels.model.LikelihoodModel. """ def __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs): super(DiscreteModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs) self.raise_on_perfect_prediction = True
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize is called by statsmodels.model.LikelihoodModel.__init__ and should contain any preprocessing that needs to be done for a model. """ # assumes constant self.df_model = float(np_matrix_rank(self.exog) - 1) self.df_resid = (float(self.exog.shape[0] - np_matrix_rank(self.exog)))
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """ The cumulative distribution function of the model. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pdf(self, X): """ The probability density (mass) function of the model. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _check_perfect_pred(self, params, *args): endog = self.endog fittedvalues = self.cdf(, params[:self.exog.shape[1]])) if (self.raise_on_perfect_prediction and np.allclose(fittedvalues - endog, 0)): msg = "Perfect separation detected, results not available" raise PerfectSeparationError(msg)
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Fit the model using maximum likelihood. The rest of the docstring is from """ if callback is None: callback = self._check_perfect_pred else: pass # make a function factory to have multiple call-backs mlefit = super(DiscreteModel, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) return mlefit # up to subclasses to wrap results
fit.__doc__ +=
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=True, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, qc_verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Fit the model using a regularized maximum likelihood. The regularization method AND the solver used is determined by the argument method. Parameters ---------- start_params : array-like, optional Initial guess of the solution for the loglikelihood maximization. The default is an array of zeros. method : 'l1' or 'l1_cvxopt_cp' See notes for details. maxiter : Integer or 'defined_by_method' Maximum number of iterations to perform. If 'defined_by_method', then use method defaults (see notes). full_output : bool Set to True to have all available output in the Results object's mle_retvals attribute. The output is dependent on the solver. See LikelihoodModelResults notes section for more information. disp : bool Set to True to print convergence messages. fargs : tuple Extra arguments passed to the likelihood function, i.e., loglike(x,*args) callback : callable callback(xk) Called after each iteration, as callback(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector. retall : bool Set to True to return list of solutions at each iteration. Available in Results object's mle_retvals attribute. alpha : non-negative scalar or numpy array (same size as parameters) The weight multiplying the l1 penalty term trim_mode : 'auto, 'size', or 'off' If not 'off', trim (set to zero) parameters that would have been zero if the solver reached the theoretical minimum. If 'auto', trim params using the Theory above. If 'size', trim params if they have very small absolute value size_trim_tol : float or 'auto' (default = 'auto') For use when trim_mode == 'size' auto_trim_tol : float For sue when trim_mode == 'auto'. Use qc_tol : float Print warning and don't allow auto trim when (ii) (above) is violated by this much. qc_verbose : Boolean If true, print out a full QC report upon failure Notes ----- Extra parameters are not penalized if alpha is given as a scalar. An example is the shape parameter in NegativeBinomial `nb1` and `nb2`. Optional arguments for the solvers (available in Results.mle_settings):: 'l1' acc : float (default 1e-6) Requested accuracy as used by slsqp 'l1_cvxopt_cp' abstol : float absolute accuracy (default: 1e-7). reltol : float relative accuracy (default: 1e-6). feastol : float tolerance for feasibility conditions (default: 1e-7). refinement : int number of iterative refinement steps when solving KKT equations (default: 1). Optimization methodology With :math:`L` the negative log likelihood, we solve the convex but non-smooth problem .. math:: \\min_\\beta L(\\beta) + \\sum_k\\alpha_k |\\beta_k| via the transformation to the smooth, convex, constrained problem in twice as many variables (adding the "added variables" :math:`u_k`) .. math:: \\min_{\\beta,u} L(\\beta) + \\sum_k\\alpha_k u_k, subject to .. math:: -u_k \\leq \\beta_k \\leq u_k. With :math:`\\partial_k L` the derivative of :math:`L` in the :math:`k^{th}` parameter direction, theory dictates that, at the minimum, exactly one of two conditions holds: (i) :math:`|\\partial_k L| = \\alpha_k` and :math:`\\beta_k \\neq 0` (ii) :math:`|\\partial_k L| \\leq \\alpha_k` and :math:`\\beta_k = 0` """ ### Set attributes based on method if method in ['l1', 'l1_cvxopt_cp']: cov_params_func = self.cov_params_func_l1 else: raise Exception("argument method == %s, which is not handled" % method) ### Bundle up extra kwargs for the dictionary kwargs. These are ### passed through super(...).fit() as kwargs and unpacked at ### appropriate times alpha = np.array(alpha) assert alpha.min() >= 0 try: kwargs['alpha'] = alpha except TypeError: kwargs = dict(alpha=alpha) kwargs['alpha_rescaled'] = kwargs['alpha'] / float(self.endog.shape[0]) kwargs['trim_mode'] = trim_mode kwargs['size_trim_tol'] = size_trim_tol kwargs['auto_trim_tol'] = auto_trim_tol kwargs['qc_tol'] = qc_tol kwargs['qc_verbose'] = qc_verbose ### Define default keyword arguments to be passed to super(...).fit() if maxiter == 'defined_by_method': if method == 'l1': maxiter = 1000 elif method == 'l1_cvxopt_cp': maxiter = 70 ## Parameters to pass to super(...).fit() # For the 'extra' parameters, pass all that are available, # even if we know (at this point) we will only use one. extra_fit_funcs = {'l1': fit_l1_slsqp} if have_cvxopt and method == 'l1_cvxopt_cp': from statsmodels.base.l1_cvxopt import fit_l1_cvxopt_cp extra_fit_funcs['l1_cvxopt_cp'] = fit_l1_cvxopt_cp elif method.lower() == 'l1_cvxopt_cp': message = ("Attempt to use l1_cvxopt_cp failed since cvxopt " "could not be imported") if callback is None: callback = self._check_perfect_pred else: pass # make a function factory to have multiple call-backs mlefit = super(DiscreteModel, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, extra_fit_funcs=extra_fit_funcs, cov_params_func=cov_params_func, **kwargs) return mlefit # up to subclasses to wrap results
[docs] def cov_params_func_l1(self, likelihood_model, xopt, retvals): """ Computes cov_params on a reduced parameter space corresponding to the nonzero parameters resulting from the l1 regularized fit. Returns a full cov_params matrix, with entries corresponding to zero'd values set to np.nan. """ H = likelihood_model.hessian(xopt) trimmed = retvals['trimmed'] nz_idx = np.nonzero(trimmed == False)[0] nnz_params = (trimmed == False).sum() if nnz_params > 0: H_restricted = H[nz_idx[:, None], nz_idx] # Covariance estimate for the nonzero params H_restricted_inv = np.linalg.inv(-H_restricted) else: H_restricted_inv = np.zeros(0) cov_params = np.nan * np.ones(H.shape) cov_params[nz_idx[:, None], nz_idx] = H_restricted_inv return cov_params
[docs] def predict(self, params, exog=None, linear=False): """ Predict response variable of a model given exogenous variables. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _derivative_exog(self, params, exog=None, dummy_idx=None, count_idx=None): """ This should implement the derivative of the non-linear function """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BinaryModel(DiscreteModel): def __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs): super(BinaryModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs) if (not issubclass(self.__class__, MultinomialModel) and not np.all((self.endog >= 0) & (self.endog <= 1))): raise ValueError("endog must be in the unit interval.")
[docs] def predict(self, params, exog=None, linear=False): """ Predict response variable of a model given exogenous variables. Parameters ---------- params : array-like Fitted parameters of the model. exog : array-like 1d or 2d array of exogenous values. If not supplied, the whole exog attribute of the model is used. linear : bool, optional If True, returns the linear predictor dot(exog,params). Else, returns the value of the cdf at the linear predictor. Returns ------- array Fitted values at exog. """ if exog is None: exog = self.exog if not linear: return self.cdf(, params)) else: return, params)
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, **kwargs): bnryfit = super(BinaryModel, self).fit_regularized( start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, alpha=alpha, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs) if method in ['l1', 'l1_cvxopt_cp']: discretefit = L1BinaryResults(self, bnryfit) else: raise Exception( "argument method == %s, which is not handled" % method) return L1BinaryResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit_regularized.__doc__ = DiscreteModel.fit_regularized.__doc__ def _derivative_predict(self, params, exog=None, transform='dydx'): """ For computing marginal effects standard errors. This is used only in the case of discrete and count regressors to get the variance-covariance of the marginal effects. It returns [d F / d params] where F is the predict. Transform can be 'dydx' or 'eydx'. Checking is done in margeff computations for appropriate transform. """ if exog is None: exog = self.exog dF = self.pdf(, params))[:,None] * exog if 'ey' in transform: dF /= self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] return dF def _derivative_exog(self, params, exog=None, transform='dydx', dummy_idx=None, count_idx=None): """ For computing marginal effects returns dF(XB) / dX where F(.) is the predicted probabilities transform can be 'dydx', 'dyex', 'eydx', or 'eyex'. Not all of these make sense in the presence of discrete regressors, but checks are done in the results in get_margeff. """ #note, this form should be appropriate for ## group 1 probit, logit, logistic, cloglog, heckprob, xtprobit if exog is None: exog = self.exog margeff =, params))[:,None], params[None,:]) if 'ex' in transform: margeff *= exog if 'ey' in transform: margeff /= self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] if count_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_count_effects) margeff = _get_count_effects(margeff, exog, count_idx, transform, self, params) if dummy_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_dummy_effects) margeff = _get_dummy_effects(margeff, exog, dummy_idx, transform, self, params) return margeff
[docs]class MultinomialModel(BinaryModel): def _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs): if data_tools._is_using_ndarray_type(endog, None): endog_dummies, ynames = _numpy_to_dummies(endog) yname = 'y' elif data_tools._is_using_pandas(endog, None): endog_dummies, ynames, yname = _pandas_to_dummies(endog) else: endog = np.asarray(endog) endog_dummies, ynames = _numpy_to_dummies(endog) yname = 'y' if not isinstance(ynames, dict): ynames = dict(zip(range(endog_dummies.shape[1]), ynames)) self._ynames_map = ynames data = handle_data(endog_dummies, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs) data.ynames = yname # overwrite this to single endog name data.orig_endog = endog self.wendog = data.endog # repeating from upstream... for key in kwargs: try: setattr(self, key, data.__dict__.pop(key)) except KeyError: pass return data
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Preprocesses the data for MNLogit. """ super(MultinomialModel, self).initialize() # This is also a "whiten" method in other models (eg regression) self.endog = self.endog.argmax(1) # turn it into an array of col idx self.J = self.wendog.shape[1] self.K = self.exog.shape[1] self.df_model *= (self.J-1) # for each J - 1 equation. self.df_resid = self.exog.shape[0] - self.df_model - (self.J-1)
[docs] def predict(self, params, exog=None, linear=False): """ Predict response variable of a model given exogenous variables. Parameters ---------- params : array-like 2d array of fitted parameters of the model. Should be in the order returned from the model. exog : array-like 1d or 2d array of exogenous values. If not supplied, the whole exog attribute of the model is used. If a 1d array is given it assumed to be 1 row of exogenous variables. If you only have one regressor and would like to do prediction, you must provide a 2d array with shape[1] == 1. linear : bool, optional If True, returns the linear predictor dot(exog,params). Else, returns the value of the cdf at the linear predictor. Notes ----- Column 0 is the base case, the rest conform to the rows of params shifted up one for the base case. """ if exog is None: # do here to accomodate user-given exog exog = self.exog if exog.ndim == 1: exog = exog[None] pred = super(MultinomialModel, self).predict(params, exog, linear) if linear: pred = np.column_stack((np.zeros(len(exog)), pred)) return pred
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): if start_params is None: start_params = np.zeros((self.K * (self.J-1))) else: start_params = np.asarray(start_params) callback = lambda x : None # placeholder until check_perfect_pred # skip calling super to handle results from LikelihoodModel mnfit =, start_params = start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) mnfit.params = mnfit.params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') mnfit = MultinomialResults(self, mnfit) return MultinomialResultsWrapper(mnfit)
fit.__doc__ =
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, **kwargs): if start_params is None: start_params = np.zeros((self.K * (self.J-1))) else: start_params = np.asarray(start_params) mnfit = DiscreteModel.fit_regularized( self, start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, alpha=alpha, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs) mnfit.params = mnfit.params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') mnfit = L1MultinomialResults(self, mnfit) return L1MultinomialResultsWrapper(mnfit)
fit_regularized.__doc__ = DiscreteModel.fit_regularized.__doc__ def _derivative_predict(self, params, exog=None, transform='dydx'): """ For computing marginal effects standard errors. This is used only in the case of discrete and count regressors to get the variance-covariance of the marginal effects. It returns [d F / d params] where F is the predicted probabilities for each choice. dFdparams is of shape nobs x (J*K) x (J-1)*K. The zero derivatives for the base category are not included. Transform can be 'dydx' or 'eydx'. Checking is done in margeff computations for appropriate transform. """ if exog is None: exog = self.exog if params.ndim == 1: # will get flatted from approx_fprime params = params.reshape(self.K, self.J-1, order='F') eXB = np.exp(, params)) sum_eXB = (1 + eXB.sum(1))[:,None] J, K = lmap(int, [self.J, self.K]) repeat_eXB = np.repeat(eXB, J, axis=1) X = np.tile(exog, J-1) # this is the derivative wrt the base level F0 = -repeat_eXB * X / sum_eXB ** 2 # this is the derivative wrt the other levels when # dF_j / dParams_j (ie., own equation) #NOTE: this computes too much, any easy way to cut down? F1 = eXB.T[:,:,None]*X * (sum_eXB - repeat_eXB) / (sum_eXB**2) F1 = F1.transpose((1,0,2)) # put the nobs index first # other equation index other_idx = ~np.kron(np.eye(J-1), np.ones(K)).astype(bool) F1[:, other_idx] = (-eXB.T[:,:,None]*X*repeat_eXB / \ (sum_eXB**2)).transpose((1,0,2))[:, other_idx] dFdX = np.concatenate((F0[:, None,:], F1), axis=1) if 'ey' in transform: dFdX /= self.predict(params, exog)[:, :, None] return dFdX def _derivative_exog(self, params, exog=None, transform='dydx', dummy_idx=None, count_idx=None): """ For computing marginal effects returns dF(XB) / dX where F(.) is the predicted probabilities transform can be 'dydx', 'dyex', 'eydx', or 'eyex'. Not all of these make sense in the presence of discrete regressors, but checks are done in the results in get_margeff. For Multinomial models the marginal effects are P[j] * (params[j] - sum_k P[k]*params[k]) It is returned unshaped, so that each row contains each of the J equations. This makes it easier to take derivatives of this for standard errors. If you want average marginal effects you can do margeff.reshape(nobs, K, J, order='F).mean(0) and the marginal effects for choice J are in column J """ J = int(self.J) # number of alternative choices K = int(self.K) # number of variables #note, this form should be appropriate for ## group 1 probit, logit, logistic, cloglog, heckprob, xtprobit if exog is None: exog = self.exog if params.ndim == 1: # will get flatted from approx_fprime params = params.reshape(K, J-1, order='F') zeroparams = np.c_[np.zeros(K), params] # add base in cdf = self.cdf(, params)) margeff = np.array([cdf[:,[j]]* (zeroparams[:,j]-np.array([cdf[:,[i]]* zeroparams[:,i] for i in range(int(J))]).sum(0)) for j in range(J)]) margeff = np.transpose(margeff, (1,2,0)) # swap the axes to make sure margeff are in order nobs, K, J if 'ex' in transform: margeff *= exog if 'ey' in transform: margeff /= self.predict(params, exog)[:,None,:] if count_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_count_effects) margeff = _get_count_effects(margeff, exog, count_idx, transform, self, params) if dummy_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_dummy_effects) margeff = _get_dummy_effects(margeff, exog, dummy_idx, transform, self, params) return margeff.reshape(len(exog), -1, order='F')
[docs]class CountModel(DiscreteModel): def __init__(self, endog, exog, offset=None, exposure=None, missing='none', **kwargs): super(CountModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing, offset=offset, exposure=exposure, **kwargs) if exposure is not None: self.exposure = np.log(self.exposure) self._check_inputs(self.offset, self.exposure, self.endog) if offset is None: delattr(self, 'offset') if exposure is None: delattr(self, 'exposure') def _check_inputs(self, offset, exposure, endog): if offset is not None and offset.shape[0] != endog.shape[0]: raise ValueError("offset is not the same length as endog") if exposure is not None and exposure.shape[0] != endog.shape[0]: raise ValueError("exposure is not the same length as endog") def _get_init_kwds(self): # this is a temporary fixup because exposure has been transformed # see #1609 kwds = super(CountModel, self)._get_init_kwds() if 'exposure' in kwds and kwds['exposure'] is not None: kwds['exposure'] = np.exp(kwds['exposure']) return kwds
[docs] def predict(self, params, exog=None, exposure=None, offset=None, linear=False): """ Predict response variable of a count model given exogenous variables. Notes ----- If exposure is specified, then it will be logged by the method. The user does not need to log it first. """ #TODO: add offset tp if exog is None: exog = self.exog offset = getattr(self, 'offset', 0) exposure = getattr(self, 'exposure', 0) else: if exposure is None: exposure = 0 else: exposure = np.log(exposure) if offset is None: offset = 0 if not linear: return np.exp(, params[:exog.shape[1]]) + exposure + offset) # not cdf else: return, params[:exog.shape[1]]) + exposure + offset
def _derivative_predict(self, params, exog=None, transform='dydx'): """ For computing marginal effects standard errors. This is used only in the case of discrete and count regressors to get the variance-covariance of the marginal effects. It returns [d F / d params] where F is the predict. Transform can be 'dydx' or 'eydx'. Checking is done in margeff computations for appropriate transform. """ if exog is None: exog = self.exog #NOTE: this handles offset and exposure dF = self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] * exog if 'ey' in transform: dF /= self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] return dF def _derivative_exog(self, params, exog=None, transform="dydx", dummy_idx=None, count_idx=None): """ For computing marginal effects. These are the marginal effects d F(XB) / dX For the Poisson model F(XB) is the predicted counts rather than the probabilities. transform can be 'dydx', 'dyex', 'eydx', or 'eyex'. Not all of these make sense in the presence of discrete regressors, but checks are done in the results in get_margeff. """ # group 3 poisson, nbreg, zip, zinb if exog is None: exog = self.exog margeff = self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] * params[None,:] if 'ex' in transform: margeff *= exog if 'ey' in transform: margeff /= self.predict(params, exog)[:,None] if count_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_count_effects) margeff = _get_count_effects(margeff, exog, count_idx, transform, self, params) if dummy_idx is not None: from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import ( _get_dummy_effects) margeff = _get_dummy_effects(margeff, exog, dummy_idx, transform, self, params) return margeff
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): cntfit = super(CountModel, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) discretefit = CountResults(self, cntfit) return CountResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit.__doc__ =
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, **kwargs): cntfit = super(CountModel, self).fit_regularized( start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, alpha=alpha, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs) if method in ['l1', 'l1_cvxopt_cp']: discretefit = L1CountResults(self, cntfit) else: raise Exception( "argument method == %s, which is not handled" % method) return L1CountResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit_regularized.__doc__ = DiscreteModel.fit_regularized.__doc__
class OrderedModel(DiscreteModel): pass #### Public Model Classes ####
[docs]class Poisson(CountModel): __doc__ = """ Poisson model for count data %(params)s %(extra_params)s Attributes ----------- endog : array A reference to the endogenous response variable exog : array A reference to the exogenous design. """ % {'params' : base._model_params_doc, 'extra_params' : """offset : array_like Offset is added to the linear prediction with coefficient equal to 1. exposure : array_like Log(exposure) is added to the linear prediction with coefficient equal to 1. """ + base._missing_param_doc}
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """ Poisson model cumulative distribution function Parameters ----------- X : array-like `X` is the linear predictor of the model. See notes. Returns ------- The value of the Poisson CDF at each point. Notes ----- The CDF is defined as .. math:: \\exp\left(-\\lambda\\right)\\sum_{i=0}^{y}\\frac{\\lambda^{i}}{i!} where :math:`\\lambda` assumes the loglinear model. I.e., .. math:: \\ln\\lambda_{i}=X\\beta The parameter `X` is :math:`X\\beta` in the above formula. """ y = self.endog return stats.poisson.cdf(y, np.exp(X))
[docs] def pdf(self, X): """ Poisson model probability mass function Parameters ----------- X : array-like `X` is the linear predictor of the model. See notes. Returns ------- pdf : ndarray The value of the Poisson probability mass function, PMF, for each point of X. Notes -------- The PMF is defined as .. math:: \\frac{e^{-\\lambda_{i}}\\lambda_{i}^{y_{i}}}{y_{i}!} where :math:`\\lambda` assumes the loglinear model. I.e., .. math:: \\ln\\lambda_{i}=x_{i}\\beta The parameter `X` is :math:`x_{i}\\beta` in the above formula. """ y = self.endog return np.exp(stats.poisson.logpmf(y, np.exp(X)))
[docs] def loglike(self, params): """ Loglikelihood of Poisson model Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model. Returns ------- loglike : float The log-likelihood function of the model evaluated at `params`. See notes. Notes -------- .. math :: \\ln L=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\left[-\\lambda_{i}+y_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta-\\ln y_{i}!\\right] """ offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) exposure = getattr(self, "exposure", 0) XB =, params) + offset + exposure endog = self.endog return np.sum(-np.exp(XB) + endog*XB - gammaln(endog+1))
[docs] def loglikeobs(self, params): """ Loglikelihood for observations of Poisson model Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model. Returns ------- loglike : ndarray (nobs,) The log likelihood for each observation of the model evaluated at `params`. See Notes Notes -------- .. math :: \\ln L_{i}=\\left[-\\lambda_{i}+y_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta-\\ln y_{i}!\\right] for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` """ offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) exposure = getattr(self, "exposure", 0) XB =, params) + offset + exposure endog = self.endog #np.sum(stats.poisson.logpmf(endog, np.exp(XB))) return -np.exp(XB) + endog*XB - gammaln(endog+1)
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): cntfit = super(CountModel, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) if 'cov_type' in kwargs: cov_kwds = kwargs.get('cov_kwds', {}) kwds = {'cov_type':kwargs['cov_type'], 'cov_kwds':cov_kwds} else: kwds = {} discretefit = PoissonResults(self, cntfit, **kwds) return PoissonResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit.__doc__ =
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, **kwargs): cntfit = super(CountModel, self).fit_regularized( start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, alpha=alpha, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs) if method in ['l1', 'l1_cvxopt_cp']: discretefit = L1PoissonResults(self, cntfit) else: raise Exception( "argument method == %s, which is not handled" % method) return L1PoissonResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit_regularized.__doc__ = DiscreteModel.fit_regularized.__doc__
[docs] def fit_constrained(self, constraints, start_params=None, **fit_kwds): """fit the model subject to linear equality constraints The constraints are of the form `R params = q` where R is the constraint_matrix and q is the vector of constraint_values. The estimation creates a new model with transformed design matrix, exog, and converts the results back to the original parameterization. Parameters ---------- constraints : formula expression or tuple If it is a tuple, then the constraint needs to be given by two arrays (constraint_matrix, constraint_value), i.e. (R, q). Otherwise, the constraints can be given as strings or list of strings. see t_test for details start_params : None or array_like starting values for the optimization. `start_params` needs to be given in the original parameter space and are internally transformed. **fit_kwds : keyword arguments fit_kwds are used in the optimization of the transformed model. Returns ------- results : Results instance """ #constraints = (R, q) # TODO: temporary trailing underscore to not overwrite the monkey # patched version # TODO: decide whether to move the imports from patsy import DesignInfo from statsmodels.base._constraints import fit_constrained # same pattern as in base.LikelihoodModel.t_test lc = DesignInfo(self.exog_names).linear_constraint(constraints) R, q = lc.coefs, lc.constants # TODO: add start_params option, need access to tranformation # fit_constrained needs to do the transformation params, cov, res_constr = fit_constrained(self, R, q, start_params=start_params, fit_kwds=fit_kwds) #create dummy results Instance, TODO: wire up properly res =, method='nm', disp=0, warn_convergence=False) # we get a wrapper back res.mle_retvals['fcall'] = res_constr.mle_retvals.get('fcall', np.nan) res.mle_retvals['iterations'] = res_constr.mle_retvals.get( 'iterations', np.nan) res.mle_retvals['converged'] = res_constr.mle_retvals['converged'] res._results.params = params res._results.normalized_cov_params = cov k_constr = len(q) res._results.df_resid += k_constr res._results.df_model -= k_constr res._results.constraints = lc res._results.k_constr = k_constr res._results.results_constrained = res_constr return res
[docs] def score(self, params): """ Poisson model score (gradient) vector of the log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- score : ndarray, 1-D The score vector of the model, i.e. the first derivative of the loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta}=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\left(y_{i}-\\lambda_{i}\\right)x_{i} where the loglinear model is assumed .. math:: \\ln\\lambda_{i}=x_{i}\\beta """ offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) exposure = getattr(self, "exposure", 0) X = self.exog L = np.exp(,params) + offset + exposure) return - L, X)
[docs] def score_obs(self, params): """ Poisson model Jacobian of the log-likelihood for each observation Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- score : ndarray (nobs, k_vars) The score vector of the model evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L_{i}}{\\partial\\beta}=\\left(y_{i}-\\lambda_{i}\\right)x_{i} for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` where the loglinear model is assumed .. math:: \\ln\\lambda_{i}=x_{i}\\beta """ offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) exposure = getattr(self, "exposure", 0) X = self.exog L = np.exp(,params) + offset + exposure) return (self.endog - L)[:,None] * X
jac = np.deprecate(score_obs, 'jac', 'score_obs', "Use score_obs method." " jac will be removed in 0.7")
[docs] def hessian(self, params): """ Poisson model Hessian matrix of the loglikelihood Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- hess : ndarray, (k_vars, k_vars) The Hessian, second derivative of loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial^{2}\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta\\partial\\beta^{\\prime}}=-\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\lambda_{i}x_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime} where the loglinear model is assumed .. math:: \\ln\\lambda_{i}=x_{i}\\beta """ offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) exposure = getattr(self, "exposure", 0) X = self.exog L = np.exp(,params) + exposure + offset) return*X.T, X)
[docs]class Logit(BinaryModel): __doc__ = """ Binary choice logit model %(params)s %(extra_params)s Attributes ----------- endog : array A reference to the endogenous response variable exog : array A reference to the exogenous design. """ % {'params' : base._model_params_doc, 'extra_params' : base._missing_param_doc}
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """ The logistic cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- X : array-like `X` is the linear predictor of the logit model. See notes. Returns ------- 1/(1 + exp(-X)) Notes ------ In the logit model, .. math:: \\Lambda\\left(x^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)=\\text{Prob}\\left(Y=1|x\\right)=\\frac{e^{x^{\\prime}\\beta}}{1+e^{x^{\\prime}\\beta}} """ X = np.asarray(X) return 1/(1+np.exp(-X))
[docs] def pdf(self, X): """ The logistic probability density function Parameters ----------- X : array-like `X` is the linear predictor of the logit model. See notes. Returns ------- pdf : ndarray The value of the Logit probability mass function, PMF, for each point of X. ``np.exp(-x)/(1+np.exp(-X))**2`` Notes ----- In the logit model, .. math:: \\lambda\\left(x^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)=\\frac{e^{-x^{\\prime}\\beta}}{\\left(1+e^{-x^{\\prime}\\beta}\\right)^{2}} """ X = np.asarray(X) return np.exp(-X)/(1+np.exp(-X))**2
[docs] def loglike(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of logit model. Parameters ----------- params : array-like The parameters of the logit model. Returns ------- loglike : float The log-likelihood function of the model evaluated at `params`. See notes. Notes ------ .. math:: \\ln L=\\sum_{i}\\ln\\Lambda\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right) Where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the logistic distribution is symmetric. """ q = 2*self.endog - 1 X = self.exog return np.sum(np.log(self.cdf(q*,params))))
[docs] def loglikeobs(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of logit model for each observation. Parameters ----------- params : array-like The parameters of the logit model. Returns ------- loglike : ndarray (nobs,) The log likelihood for each observation of the model evaluated at `params`. See Notes Notes ------ .. math:: \\ln L=\\sum_{i}\\ln\\Lambda\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right) for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the logistic distribution is symmetric. """ q = 2*self.endog - 1 X = self.exog return np.log(self.cdf(q*,params)))
[docs] def score(self, params): """ Logit model score (gradient) vector of the log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params: array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- score : ndarray, 1-D The score vector of the model, i.e. the first derivative of the loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta}=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\left(y_{i}-\\Lambda_{i}\\right)x_{i} """ y = self.endog X = self.exog L = self.cdf(,params)) return - L,X)
[docs] def score_obs(self, params): """ Logit model Jacobian of the log-likelihood for each observation Parameters ---------- params: array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- jac : ndarray, (nobs, k_vars) The derivative of the loglikelihood for each observation evaluated at `params`. Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L_{i}}{\\partial\\beta}=\\left(y_{i}-\\Lambda_{i}\\right)x_{i} for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` """ y = self.endog X = self.exog L = self.cdf(, params)) return (y - L)[:,None] * X
jac = np.deprecate(score_obs, 'jac', 'score_obs', "Use score_obs method." " jac will be removed in 0.7")
[docs] def hessian(self, params): """ Logit model Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- hess : ndarray, (k_vars, k_vars) The Hessian, second derivative of loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial^{2}\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta\\partial\\beta^{\\prime}}=-\\sum_{i}\\Lambda_{i}\\left(1-\\Lambda_{i}\\right)x_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime} """ X = self.exog L = self.cdf(,params)) return*(1-L)*X.T,X)
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): bnryfit = super(Logit, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) discretefit = LogitResults(self, bnryfit) return BinaryResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit.__doc__ =
[docs]class Probit(BinaryModel): __doc__ = """ Binary choice Probit model %(params)s %(extra_params)s Attributes ----------- endog : array A reference to the endogenous response variable exog : array A reference to the exogenous design. """ % {'params' : base._model_params_doc, 'extra_params' : base._missing_param_doc}
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """ Probit (Normal) cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- X : array-like The linear predictor of the model (XB). Returns -------- cdf : ndarray The cdf evaluated at `X`. Notes ----- This function is just an alias for scipy.stats.norm.cdf """ return stats.norm._cdf(X)
[docs] def pdf(self, X): """ Probit (Normal) probability density function Parameters ---------- X : array-like The linear predictor of the model (XB). Returns -------- pdf : ndarray The value of the normal density function for each point of X. Notes ----- This function is just an alias for scipy.stats.norm.pdf """ X = np.asarray(X) return stats.norm._pdf(X)
[docs] def loglike(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of probit model (i.e., the normal distribution). Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model. Returns ------- loglike : float The log-likelihood function of the model evaluated at `params`. See notes. Notes ----- .. math:: \\ln L=\\sum_{i}\\ln\\Phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right) Where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the normal distribution is symmetric. """ q = 2*self.endog - 1 X = self.exog return np.sum(np.log(np.clip(self.cdf(q*,params)), FLOAT_EPS, 1)))
[docs] def loglikeobs(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of probit model for each observation Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model. Returns ------- loglike : ndarray (nobs,) The log likelihood for each observation of the model evaluated at `params`. See Notes Notes ----- .. math:: \\ln L_{i}=\\ln\\Phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right) for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the normal distribution is symmetric. """ q = 2*self.endog - 1 X = self.exog return np.log(np.clip(self.cdf(q*,params)), FLOAT_EPS, 1))
[docs] def score(self, params): """ Probit model score (gradient) vector Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- score : ndarray, 1-D The score vector of the model, i.e. the first derivative of the loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta}=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\left[\\frac{q_{i}\\phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)}{\\Phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)}\\right]x_{i} Where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the normal distribution is symmetric. """ y = self.endog X = self.exog XB =,params) q = 2*y - 1 # clip to get rid of invalid divide complaint L = q*self.pdf(q*XB)/np.clip(self.cdf(q*XB), FLOAT_EPS, 1 - FLOAT_EPS) return,X)
[docs] def score_obs(self, params): """ Probit model Jacobian for each observation Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- jac : ndarray, (nobs, k_vars) The derivative of the loglikelihood for each observation evaluated at `params`. Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L_{i}}{\\partial\\beta}=\\left[\\frac{q_{i}\\phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)}{\\Phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)}\\right]x_{i} for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` Where :math:`q=2y-1`. This simplification comes from the fact that the normal distribution is symmetric. """ y = self.endog X = self.exog XB =,params) q = 2*y - 1 # clip to get rid of invalid divide complaint L = q*self.pdf(q*XB)/np.clip(self.cdf(q*XB), FLOAT_EPS, 1 - FLOAT_EPS) return L[:,None] * X
jac = np.deprecate(score_obs, 'jac', 'score_obs', "Use score_obs method." " jac will be removed in 0.7")
[docs] def hessian(self, params): """ Probit model Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- hess : ndarray, (k_vars, k_vars) The Hessian, second derivative of loglikelihood function, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial^{2}\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta\\partial\\beta^{\\prime}}=-\lambda_{i}\\left(\\lambda_{i}+x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)x_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime} where .. math:: \\lambda_{i}=\\frac{q_{i}\\phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)}{\\Phi\\left(q_{i}x_{i}^{\\prime}\\beta\\right)} and :math:`q=2y-1` """ X = self.exog XB =,params) q = 2*self.endog - 1 L = q*self.pdf(q*XB)/self.cdf(q*XB) return*(L+XB)*X.T,X)
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, **kwargs): bnryfit = super(Probit, self).fit(start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs) discretefit = ProbitResults(self, bnryfit) return BinaryResultsWrapper(discretefit)
fit.__doc__ =
[docs]class MNLogit(MultinomialModel): __doc__ = """ Multinomial logit model Parameters ---------- endog : array-like `endog` is an 1-d vector of the endogenous response. `endog` can contain strings, ints, or floats. Note that if it contains strings, every distinct string will be a category. No stripping of whitespace is done. exog : array-like A nobs x k array where `nobs` is the number of observations and `k` is the number of regressors. An intercept is not included by default and should be added by the user. See ``. %(extra_params)s Attributes ---------- endog : array A reference to the endogenous response variable exog : array A reference to the exogenous design. J : float The number of choices for the endogenous variable. Note that this is zero-indexed. K : float The actual number of parameters for the exogenous design. Includes the constant if the design has one. names : dict A dictionary mapping the column number in `wendog` to the variables in `endog`. wendog : array An n x j array where j is the number of unique categories in `endog`. Each column of j is a dummy variable indicating the category of each observation. See `names` for a dictionary mapping each column to its category. Notes ----- See developer notes for further information on `MNLogit` internals. """ % {'extra_params' : base._missing_param_doc}
[docs] def pdf(self, eXB): """ NotImplemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cdf(self, X): """ Multinomial logit cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- X : array The linear predictor of the model XB. Returns -------- cdf : ndarray The cdf evaluated at `X`. Notes ----- In the multinomial logit model. .. math:: \\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)} """ eXB = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(X)), np.exp(X))) return eXB/eXB.sum(1)[:,None]
[docs] def loglike(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of the multinomial logit model. Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the multinomial logit model. Returns ------- loglike : float The log-likelihood function of the model evaluated at `params`. See notes. Notes ------ .. math:: \\ln L=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\sum_{j=0}^{J}d_{ij}\\ln\\left(\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\right) where :math:`d_{ij}=1` if individual `i` chose alternative `j` and 0 if not. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') d = self.wendog logprob = np.log(self.cdf(,params))) return np.sum(d * logprob)
[docs] def loglikeobs(self, params): """ Log-likelihood of the multinomial logit model for each observation. Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the multinomial logit model. Returns ------- loglike : ndarray (nobs,) The log likelihood for each observation of the model evaluated at `params`. See Notes Notes ------ .. math:: \\ln L_{i}=\\sum_{j=0}^{J}d_{ij}\\ln\\left(\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\right) for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` where :math:`d_{ij}=1` if individual `i` chose alternative `j` and 0 if not. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') d = self.wendog logprob = np.log(self.cdf(,params))) return d * logprob
[docs] def score(self, params): """ Score matrix for multinomial logit model log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params : array The parameters of the multinomial logit model. Returns -------- score : ndarray, (K * (J-1),) The 2-d score vector, i.e. the first derivative of the loglikelihood function, of the multinomial logit model evaluated at `params`. Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta_{j}}=\\sum_{i}\\left(d_{ij}-\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\right)x_{i} for :math:`j=1,...,J` In the multinomial model the score matrix is K x J-1 but is returned as a flattened array to work with the solvers. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') firstterm = self.wendog[:,1:] - self.cdf(, params))[:,1:] #NOTE: might need to switch terms if params is reshaped return, self.exog).flatten()
[docs] def loglike_and_score(self, params): """ Returns log likelihood and score, efficiently reusing calculations. Note that both of these returned quantities will need to be negated before being minimized by the maximum likelihood fitting machinery. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') cdf_dot_exog_params = self.cdf(, params)) loglike_value = np.sum(self.wendog * np.log(cdf_dot_exog_params)) firstterm = self.wendog[:, 1:] - cdf_dot_exog_params[:, 1:] score_array =, self.exog).flatten() return loglike_value, score_array
[docs] def score_obs(self, params): """ Jacobian matrix for multinomial logit model log-likelihood Parameters ---------- params : array The parameters of the multinomial logit model. Returns -------- jac : ndarray, (nobs, k_vars*(J-1)) The derivative of the loglikelihood for each observation evaluated at `params` . Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial\\ln L_{i}}{\\partial\\beta_{j}}=\\left(d_{ij}-\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\right)x_{i} for :math:`j=1,...,J`, for observations :math:`i=1,...,n` In the multinomial model the score vector is K x (J-1) but is returned as a flattened array. The Jacobian has the observations in rows and the flatteded array of derivatives in columns. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') firstterm = self.wendog[:,1:] - self.cdf(, params))[:,1:] #NOTE: might need to switch terms if params is reshaped return (firstterm[:,:,None] * self.exog[:,None,:]).reshape(self.exog.shape[0], -1)
jac = np.deprecate(score_obs, 'jac', 'score_obs', "Use score_obs method." " jac will be removed in 0.7")
[docs] def hessian(self, params): """ Multinomial logit Hessian matrix of the log-likelihood Parameters ----------- params : array-like The parameters of the model Returns ------- hess : ndarray, (J*K, J*K) The Hessian, second derivative of loglikelihood function with respect to the flattened parameters, evaluated at `params` Notes ----- .. math:: \\frac{\\partial^{2}\\ln L}{\\partial\\beta_{j}\\partial\\beta_{l}}=-\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{j}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\left[\\boldsymbol{1}\\left(j=l\\right)-\\frac{\\exp\\left(\\beta_{l}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}{\\sum_{k=0}^{J}\\exp\\left(\\beta_{k}^{\\prime}x_{i}\\right)}\\right]x_{i}x_{l}^{\\prime} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{1}\\left(j=l\\right)` equals 1 if `j` = `l` and 0 otherwise. The actual Hessian matrix has J**2 * K x K elements. Our Hessian is reshaped to be square (J*K, J*K) so that the solvers can use it. This implementation does not take advantage of the symmetry of the Hessian and could probably be refactored for speed. """ params = params.reshape(self.K, -1, order='F') X = self.exog pr = self.cdf(,params)) partials = [] J = self.wendog.shape[1] - 1 K = self.exog.shape[1] for i in range(J): for j in range(J): # this loop assumes we drop the first col. if i == j: partials.append(\[:,i+1]*(1-pr[:,j+1]))[:,None]*X).T,X)) else: partials.append([:,i+1]*-pr[:,j+1])[:,None]*X).T,X)) H = np.array(partials) # the developer's notes on multinomial should clear this math up H = np.transpose(H.reshape(J,J,K,K), (0,2,1,3)).reshape(J*K,J*K) return H
#TODO: Weibull can replaced by a survival analsysis function # like stat's streg (The cox model as well) #class Weibull(DiscreteModel): # """ # Binary choice Weibull model # # Notes # ------ # This is unfinished and untested. # """ ##TODO: add analytic hessian for Weibull # def initialize(self): # pass # # def cdf(self, X): # """ # Gumbell (Log Weibull) cumulative distribution function # """ ## return np.exp(-np.exp(-X)) # return stats.gumbel_r.cdf(X) # # these two are equivalent. # # Greene table and discussion is incorrect. # # def pdf(self, X): # """ # Gumbell (LogWeibull) probability distribution function # """ # return stats.gumbel_r.pdf(X) # # def loglike(self, params): # """ # Loglikelihood of Weibull distribution # """ # X = self.exog # cdf = self.cdf(,params)) # y = self.endog # return np.sum(y*np.log(cdf) + (1-y)*np.log(1-cdf)) # # def score(self, params): # y = self.endog # X = self.exog # F = self.cdf(,params)) # f = self.pdf(,params)) # term = (y*f/F + (1 - y)*-f/(1-F)) # return,X) # # def hessian(self, params): # hess = nd.Jacobian(self.score) # return hess(params) # # def fit(self, start_params=None, method='newton', maxiter=35, tol=1e-08): ## The example had problems with all zero start values, Hessian = 0 # if start_params is None: # start_params = OLS(self.endog, self.exog).fit().params # mlefit = super(Weibull, self).fit(start_params=start_params, # method=method, maxiter=maxiter, tol=tol) # return mlefit #
[docs]class NegativeBinomial(CountModel): __doc__ = """ Negative Binomial Model for count data %(params)s %(extra_params)s Attributes ----------- endog : array A reference to the endogenous response variable exog : array A reference to the exogenous design. References ---------- References: Greene, W. 2008. "Functional forms for the negtive binomial model for count data". Economics Letters. Volume 99, Number 3, pp.585-590. Hilbe, J.M. 2011. "Negative binomial regression". Cambridge University Press. """ % {'params' : base._model_params_doc, 'extra_params' : """loglike_method : string Log-likelihood type. 'nb2','nb1', or 'geometric'. Fitted value :math:`\\mu` Heterogeneity parameter :math:`\\alpha` - nb2: Variance equal to :math:`\\mu + \\alpha\\mu^2` (most common) - nb1: Variance equal to :math:`\\mu + \\alpha\\mu` - geometric: Variance equal to :math:`\\mu + \\mu^2` offset : array_like Offset is added to the linear prediction with coefficient equal to 1. exposure : array_like Log(exposure) is added to the linear prediction with coefficient equal to 1. """ + base._missing_param_doc} def __init__(self, endog, exog, loglike_method='nb2', offset=None, exposure=None, missing='none', **kwargs): super(NegativeBinomial, self).__init__(endog, exog, offset=offset, exposure=exposure, missing=missing, **kwargs) self.loglike_method = loglike_method self._initialize() if loglike_method in ['nb2', 'nb1']: self.exog_names.append('alpha') self.k_extra = 1 else: self.k_extra = 0 # store keys for extras if we need to recreate model instance # we need to append keys that don't go to super self._init_keys.append('loglike_method') def _initialize(self): if self.loglike_method == 'nb2': self.hessian = self._hessian_nb2 self.score = self._score_nbin self.loglikeobs = self._ll_nb2 self._transparams = True # transform lnalpha -> alpha in fit elif self.loglike_method == 'nb1': self.hessian = self._hessian_nb1 self.score = self._score_nb1 self.loglikeobs = self._ll_nb1 self._transparams = True # transform lnalpha -> alpha in fit elif self.loglike_method == 'geometric': self.hessian = self._hessian_geom self.score = self._score_geom self.loglikeobs = self._ll_geometric else: raise NotImplementedError("Likelihood type must nb1, nb2 or " "geometric") # Workaround to pickle instance methods def __getstate__(self): odict = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the dict since we change it del odict['hessian'] del odict['score'] del odict['loglikeobs'] return odict def __setstate__(self, indict): self.__dict__.update(indict) self._initialize() def _ll_nbin(self, params, alpha, Q=0): endog = self.endog mu = self.predict(params) size = 1/alpha * mu**Q prob = size/(size+mu) coeff = (gammaln(size+endog) - gammaln(endog+1) - gammaln(size)) llf = coeff + size*np.log(prob) + endog*np.log(1-prob) return llf def _ll_nb2(self, params): if self._transparams: # got lnalpha during fit alpha = np.exp(params[-1]) else: alpha = params[-1] return self._ll_nbin(params[:-1], alpha, Q=0) def _ll_nb1(self, params): if self._transparams: # got lnalpha during fit alpha = np.exp(params[-1]) else: alpha = params[-1] return self._ll_nbin(params[:-1], alpha, Q=1) def _ll_geometric(self, params): # we give alpha of 1 because it's actually log(alpha) where alpha=0 return self._ll_nbin(params, 1, 0)
[docs] def loglike(self, params): r""" Loglikelihood for negative binomial model Parameters ---------- params : array-like The parameters of the model. If `loglike_method` is nb1 or nb2, then the ancillary parameter is expected to be the last element. Returns ------- llf : float The loglikelihood value at `params` Notes ----- Following notation in Greene (2008), with negative binomial heterogeneity parameter :math:`\alpha`: .. math:: \lambda_i &= exp(X\beta) \\ \theta &= 1 / \alpha \\ g_i &= \theta \lambda_i^Q \\ w_i &= g_i/(g_i + \lambda_i) \\ r_i &= \theta / (\theta+\lambda_i) \\ ln \mathcal{L}_i &= ln \Gamma(y_i+g_i) - ln \Gamma(1+y_i) + g_iln (r_i) + y_i ln(1-r_i) where :math`Q=0` for NB2 and geometric and :math:`Q=1` for NB1. For the geometric, :math:`\alpha=0` as well. """ llf = np.sum(self.loglikeobs(params)) return llf
def _score_geom(self, params): exog = self.exog y = self.endog[:,None] mu = self.predict(params)[:,None] dparams = exog * (y-mu)/(mu+1) return dparams.sum(0) def _score_nbin(self, params, Q=0): """ Score vector for NB2 model """ if self._transparams: # lnalpha came in during fit alpha = np.exp(params[-1]) else: alpha = params[-1] params = params[:-1] exog = self.exog y = self.endog[:,None] mu = self.predict(params)[:,None] a1 = 1/alpha * mu**Q if Q: # nb1 dparams = exog*mu/alpha*(np.log(1/(alpha + 1)) + special.digamma(y + mu/alpha) - special.digamma(mu/alpha)) dalpha = ((alpha*(y - mu*np.log(1/(alpha + 1)) - mu*(special.digamma(y + mu/alpha) - special.digamma(mu/alpha) + 1)) - mu*(np.log(1/(alpha + 1)) + special.digamma(y + mu/alpha) - special.digamma(mu/alpha)))/ (alpha**2*(alpha + 1))).sum() else: # nb2 dparams = exog*a1 * (y-mu)/(mu+a1) da1 = -alpha**-2 dalpha = (special.digamma(a1+y) - special.digamma(a1) + np.log(a1) - np.log(a1+mu) - (a1+y)/(a1+mu) + 1).sum()*da1 #multiply above by constant outside sum to reduce rounding error if self._transparams: return np.r_[dparams.sum(0), dalpha*alpha] else: return np.r_[dparams.sum(0), dalpha] def _score_nb1(self, params): return self._score_nbin(params, Q=1) def _hessian_geom(self, params): exog = self.exog y = self.endog[:,None] mu = self.predict(params)[:,None] # for dl/dparams dparams dim = exog.shape[1] hess_arr = np.empty((dim, dim)) const_arr = mu*(1+y)/(mu+1)**2 for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): if j > i: continue hess_arr[i,j] = np.sum(-exog[:,i,None] * exog[:,j,None] * const_arr, axis=0) tri_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k=1) hess_arr[tri_idx] = hess_arr.T[tri_idx] return hess_arr def _hessian_nb1(self, params): """ Hessian of NB1 model. """ if self._transparams: # lnalpha came in during fit alpha = np.exp(params[-1]) else: alpha = params[-1] params = params[:-1] exog = self.exog y = self.endog[:,None] mu = self.predict(params)[:,None] a1 = mu/alpha # for dl/dparams dparams dim = exog.shape[1] hess_arr = np.empty((dim+1,dim+1)) #const_arr = a1*mu*(a1+y)/(mu+a1)**2 # not all of dparams dparams = exog/alpha*(np.log(1/(alpha + 1)) + special.digamma(y + mu/alpha) - special.digamma(mu/alpha)) dmudb = exog*mu xmu_alpha = exog*mu/alpha trigamma = (special.polygamma(1, mu/alpha + y) - special.polygamma(1, mu/alpha)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): if j > i: continue hess_arr[i,j] = np.sum(dparams[:,i,None] * dmudb[:,j,None] + xmu_alpha[:,i,None] * xmu_alpha[:,j,None] * trigamma, axis=0) tri_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k=1) hess_arr[tri_idx] = hess_arr.T[tri_idx] # for dl/dparams dalpha da1 = -alpha**-2 dldpda = np.sum(-mu/alpha * dparams + exog*mu/alpha * (-trigamma*mu/alpha**2 - 1/(alpha+1)), axis=0) hess_arr[-1,:-1] = dldpda hess_arr[:-1,-1] = dldpda # for dl/dalpha dalpha digamma_part = (special.digamma(y + mu/alpha) - special.digamma(mu/alpha)) log_alpha = np.log(1/(alpha+1)) alpha3 = alpha**3 alpha2 = alpha**2 mu2 = mu**2 dada = ((alpha3*mu*(2*log_alpha + 2*digamma_part + 3) - 2*alpha3*y + alpha2*mu2*trigamma + 4*alpha2*mu*(log_alpha + digamma_part) + alpha2 * (2*mu - y) + 2*alpha*mu2*trigamma + 2*alpha*mu*(log_alpha + digamma_part) + mu2*trigamma)/(alpha**4*(alpha2 + 2*alpha + 1))) hess_arr[-1,-1] = dada.sum() return hess_arr def _hessian_nb2(self, params): """ Hessian of NB2 model. """ if self._transparams: # lnalpha came in during fit alpha = np.exp(params[-1]) else: alpha = params[-1] a1 = 1/alpha params = params[:-1] exog = self.exog y = self.endog[:,None] mu = self.predict(params)[:,None] # for dl/dparams dparams dim = exog.shape[1] hess_arr = np.empty((dim+1,dim+1)) const_arr = a1*mu*(a1+y)/(mu+a1)**2 for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): if j > i: continue hess_arr[i,j] = np.sum(-exog[:,i,None] * exog[:,j,None] * const_arr, axis=0) tri_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k=1) hess_arr[tri_idx] = hess_arr.T[tri_idx] # for dl/dparams dalpha da1 = -alpha**-2 dldpda = np.sum(mu*exog*(y-mu)*da1/(mu+a1)**2 , axis=0) hess_arr[-1,:-1] = dldpda hess_arr[:-1,-1] = dldpda # for dl/dalpha dalpha #NOTE: polygamma(1,x) is the trigamma function da2 = 2*alpha**-3 dalpha = da1 * (special.digamma(a1+y) - special.digamma(a1) + np.log(a1) - np.log(a1+mu) - (a1+y)/(a1+mu) + 1) dada = (da2 * dalpha/da1 + da1**2 * (special.polygamma(1, a1+y) - special.polygamma(1, a1) + 1/a1 - 1/(a1 + mu) + (y - mu)/(mu + a1)**2)).sum() hess_arr[-1,-1] = dada return hess_arr #TODO: replace this with analytic where is it used?
[docs] def score_obs(self, params): sc = approx_fprime_cs(params, self.loglikeobs) return sc
jac = np.deprecate(score_obs, 'jac', 'score_obs', "Use score_obs method." " jac will be removed in 0.7")
[docs] def fit(self, start_params=None, method='bfgs', maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, cov_type='nonrobust', cov_kwds=None, use_t=None, **kwargs): # Note: don't let super handle robust covariance because it has # transformed params if self.loglike_method.startswith('nb') and method not in ['newton', 'ncg']: self._transparams = True # in case same Model instance is refit elif self.loglike_method.startswith('nb'): # method is newton/ncg self._transparams = False # because we need to step in alpha space if start_params is None: # Use poisson fit as first guess. #TODO, Warning: this assumes exposure is logged offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) + getattr(self, "exposure", 0) if np.size(offset) == 1 and offset == 0: offset = None mod_poi = Poisson(self.endog, self.exog, offset=offset) start_params = if self.loglike_method.startswith('nb'): start_params = np.append(start_params, 0.1) mlefit = super(NegativeBinomial, self).fit(start_params=start_params, maxiter=maxiter, method=method, disp=disp, full_output=full_output, callback=lambda x:x, **kwargs) # TODO: Fix NBin _check_perfect_pred if self.loglike_method.startswith('nb'): # mlefit is a wrapped counts results self._transparams = False # don't need to transform anymore now # change from lnalpha to alpha if method not in ["newton", "ncg"]: mlefit._results.params[-1] = np.exp(mlefit._results.params[-1]) nbinfit = NegativeBinomialResults(self, mlefit._results) result = NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper(nbinfit) else: result = mlefit if cov_kwds is None: cov_kwds = {} #TODO: make this unnecessary ? result._get_robustcov_results(cov_type=cov_type, use_self=True, use_t=use_t, **cov_kwds) return result
[docs] def fit_regularized(self, start_params=None, method='l1', maxiter='defined_by_method', full_output=1, disp=1, callback=None, alpha=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, size_trim_tol=1e-4, qc_tol=0.03, **kwargs): if self.loglike_method.startswith('nb') and (np.size(alpha) == 1 and alpha != 0): # don't penalize alpha if alpha is scalar k_params = self.exog.shape[1] + self.k_extra alpha = alpha * np.ones(k_params) alpha[-1] = 0 # alpha for regularized poisson to get starting values alpha_p = alpha[:-1] if (self.k_extra and np.size(alpha) > 1) else alpha self._transparams = False if start_params is None: # Use poisson fit as first guess. #TODO, Warning: this assumes exposure is logged offset = getattr(self, "offset", 0) + getattr(self, "exposure", 0) if np.size(offset) == 1 and offset == 0: offset = None mod_poi = Poisson(self.endog, self.exog, offset=offset) start_params = mod_poi.fit_regularized( start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=0, callback=callback, alpha=alpha_p, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs).params if self.loglike_method.startswith('nb'): start_params = np.append(start_params, 0.1) cntfit = super(CountModel, self).fit_regularized( start_params=start_params, method=method, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, alpha=alpha, trim_mode=trim_mode, auto_trim_tol=auto_trim_tol, size_trim_tol=size_trim_tol, qc_tol=qc_tol, **kwargs) if method in ['l1', 'l1_cvxopt_cp']: discretefit = L1NegativeBinomialResults(self, cntfit) else: raise Exception( "argument method == %s, which is not handled" % method) return L1NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper(discretefit)
### Results Class ###
[docs]class DiscreteResults(base.LikelihoodModelResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for the discrete dependent variable models.", "extra_attr" : ""} def __init__(self, model, mlefit, cov_type='nonrobust', cov_kwds=None, use_t=None): #super(DiscreteResults, self).__init__(model, params, # np.linalg.inv(-hessian), scale=1.) self.model = model self.df_model = model.df_model self.df_resid = model.df_resid self._cache = resettable_cache() self.nobs = model.exog.shape[0] self.__dict__.update(mlefit.__dict__) if not hasattr(self, 'cov_type'): # do this only if super, i.e. mlefit didn't already add cov_type # robust covariance if use_t is not None: self.use_t = use_t if cov_type == 'nonrobust': self.cov_type = 'nonrobust' self.cov_kwds = {'description' : 'Standard Errors assume that the ' + 'covariance matrix of the errors is correctly ' + 'specified.'} else: if cov_kwds is None: cov_kwds = {} from statsmodels.base.covtype import get_robustcov_results get_robustcov_results(self, cov_type=cov_type, use_self=True, **cov_kwds) def __getstate__(self): try: #remove unpicklable callback self.mle_settings['callback'] = None except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass return self.__dict__ @cache_readonly
[docs] def prsquared(self): return 1 - self.llf/self.llnull
[docs] def llr(self): return -2*(self.llnull - self.llf)
[docs] def llr_pvalue(self): return stats.chisqprob(self.llr, self.df_model)
[docs] def llnull(self): model = self.model kwds = model._get_init_kwds() # TODO: what parameters to pass to fit? mod_null = model.__class__(model.endog, np.ones(self.nobs), **kwds) # TODO: consider catching and warning on convergence failure? # in the meantime, try hard to converge. see # TestPoissonConstrained1a.test_smoke res_null =, warn_convergence=False, maxiter=10000) return res_null.llf
[docs] def fittedvalues(self): return, self.params[:self.model.exog.shape[1]])
[docs] def aic(self): return -2*(self.llf - (self.df_model+1))
[docs] def bic(self): return -2*self.llf + np.log(self.nobs)*(self.df_model+1)
def _get_endog_name(self, yname, yname_list): if yname is None: yname = self.model.endog_names if yname_list is None: yname_list = self.model.endog_names return yname, yname_list
[docs] def get_margeff(self, at='overall', method='dydx', atexog=None, dummy=False, count=False): """Get marginal effects of the fitted model. Parameters ---------- at : str, optional Options are: - 'overall', The average of the marginal effects at each observation. - 'mean', The marginal effects at the mean of each regressor. - 'median', The marginal effects at the median of each regressor. - 'zero', The marginal effects at zero for each regressor. - 'all', The marginal effects at each observation. If `at` is all only margeff will be available from the returned object. Note that if `exog` is specified, then marginal effects for all variables not specified by `exog` are calculated using the `at` option. method : str, optional Options are: - 'dydx' - dy/dx - No transformation is made and marginal effects are returned. This is the default. - 'eyex' - estimate elasticities of variables in `exog` -- d(lny)/d(lnx) - 'dyex' - estimate semielasticity -- dy/d(lnx) - 'eydx' - estimate semeilasticity -- d(lny)/dx Note that tranformations are done after each observation is calculated. Semi-elasticities for binary variables are computed using the midpoint method. 'dyex' and 'eyex' do not make sense for discrete variables. atexog : array-like, optional Optionally, you can provide the exogenous variables over which to get the marginal effects. This should be a dictionary with the key as the zero-indexed column number and the value of the dictionary. Default is None for all independent variables less the constant. dummy : bool, optional If False, treats binary variables (if present) as continuous. This is the default. Else if True, treats binary variables as changing from 0 to 1. Note that any variable that is either 0 or 1 is treated as binary. Each binary variable is treated separately for now. count : bool, optional If False, treats count variables (if present) as continuous. This is the default. Else if True, the marginal effect is the change in probabilities when each observation is increased by one. Returns ------- DiscreteMargins : marginal effects instance Returns an object that holds the marginal effects, standard errors, confidence intervals, etc. See `statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins.DiscreteMargins` for more information. Notes ----- When using after Poisson, returns the expected number of events per period, assuming that the model is loglinear. """ from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import DiscreteMargins return DiscreteMargins(self, (at, method, atexog, dummy, count))
[docs] def summary(self, yname=None, xname=None, title=None, alpha=.05, yname_list=None): """Summarize the Regression Results Parameters ----------- yname : string, optional Default is `y` xname : list of strings, optional Default is `var_##` for ## in p the number of regressors title : string, optional Title for the top table. If not None, then this replaces the default title alpha : float significance level for the confidence intervals Returns ------- smry : Summary instance this holds the summary tables and text, which can be printed or converted to various output formats. See Also -------- statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary : class to hold summary results """ top_left = [('Dep. Variable:', None), ('Model:', [self.model.__class__.__name__]), ('Method:', ['MLE']), ('Date:', None), ('Time:', None), #('No. iterations:', ["%d" % self.mle_retvals['iterations']]), ('converged:', ["%s" % self.mle_retvals['converged']]) ] top_right = [('No. Observations:', None), ('Df Residuals:', None), ('Df Model:', None), ('Pseudo R-squ.:', ["%#6.4g" % self.prsquared]), ('Log-Likelihood:', None), ('LL-Null:', ["%#8.5g" % self.llnull]), ('LLR p-value:', ["%#6.4g" % self.llr_pvalue]) ] if title is None: title = self.model.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + "Regression Results" #boiler plate from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary smry = Summary() yname, yname_list = self._get_endog_name(yname, yname_list) # for top of table smry.add_table_2cols(self, gleft=top_left, gright=top_right, #[], yname=yname, xname=xname, title=title) # for parameters, etc smry.add_table_params(self, yname=yname_list, xname=xname, alpha=alpha, use_t=self.use_t) if hasattr(self, 'constraints'): smry.add_extra_txt(['Model has been estimated subject to linear ' 'equality constraints.']) #diagnostic table not used yet #smry.add_table_2cols(self, gleft=diagn_left, gright=diagn_right, # yname=yname, xname=xname, # title="") return smry
[docs] def summary2(self, yname=None, xname=None, title=None, alpha=.05, float_format="%.4f"): """Experimental function to summarize regression results Parameters ----------- xname : List of strings of length equal to the number of parameters Names of the independent variables (optional) yname : string Name of the dependent variable (optional) title : string, optional Title for the top table. If not None, then this replaces the default title alpha : float significance level for the confidence intervals float_format: string print format for floats in parameters summary Returns ------- smry : Summary instance this holds the summary tables and text, which can be printed or converted to various output formats. See Also -------- statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary : class to hold summary results """ # Summary from statsmodels.iolib import summary2 smry = summary2.Summary() smry.add_base(results=self, alpha=alpha, float_format=float_format, xname=xname, yname=yname, title=title) if hasattr(self, 'constraints'): smry.add_text('Model has been estimated subject to linear ' 'equality constraints.') return smry
[docs]class CountResults(DiscreteResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % { "one_line_description" : "A results class for count data", "extra_attr" : ""} @cache_readonly
[docs] def resid(self): """ Residuals Notes ----- The residuals for Count models are defined as .. math:: y - p where :math:`p = \\exp(X\\beta)`. Any exposure and offset variables are also handled. """ return self.model.endog - self.predict()
[docs]class NegativeBinomialResults(CountResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % { "one_line_description" : "A results class for NegativeBinomial 1 and 2", "extra_attr" : ""} @cache_readonly
[docs] def lnalpha(self): return np.log(self.params[-1])
[docs] def lnalpha_std_err(self): return self.bse[-1] / self.params[-1]
[docs] def aic(self): # + 1 because we estimate alpha k_extra = getattr(self.model, 'k_extra', 0) return -2*(self.llf - (self.df_model + self.k_constant + k_extra))
[docs] def bic(self): # + 1 because we estimate alpha k_extra = getattr(self.model, 'k_extra', 0) return -2*self.llf + np.log(self.nobs)*(self.df_model + self.k_constant + k_extra)
class L1CountResults(DiscreteResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for count data fit by l1 regularization", "extra_attr" : _l1_results_attr} #discretefit = CountResults(self, cntfit) def __init__(self, model, cntfit): super(L1CountResults, self).__init__(model, cntfit) # self.trimmed is a boolean array with T/F telling whether or not that # entry in params has been set zero'd out. self.trimmed = cntfit.mle_retvals['trimmed'] self.nnz_params = (self.trimmed == False).sum() # update degrees of freedom self.model.df_model = self.nnz_params - 1 self.model.df_resid = float(self.model.endog.shape[0] - self.nnz_params) # adjust for extra parameter in NegativeBinomial nb1 and nb2 # extra parameter is not included in df_model k_extra = getattr(self.model, 'k_extra', 0) self.model.df_model -= k_extra self.model.df_resid += k_extra self.df_model = self.model.df_model self.df_resid = self.model.df_resid class PoissonResults(CountResults): def predict_prob(self, n=None, exog=None, exposure=None, offset=None, transform=True): """ Return predicted probability of each count level for each observation Parameters ---------- n : array-like or int The counts for which you want the probabilities. If n is None then the probabilities for each count from 0 to max(y) are given. Returns ------- ndarray A nobs x n array where len(`n`) columns are indexed by the count n. If n is None, then column 0 is the probability that each observation is 0, column 1 is the probability that each observation is 1, etc. """ if n is not None: counts = np.atleast_2d(n) else: counts = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(0, np.max(self.model.endog)+1)) mu = self.predict(exog=exog, exposure=exposure, offset=offset, transform=transform, linear=False)[:,None] # uses broadcasting return stats.poisson.pmf(counts, mu) class L1PoissonResults(L1CountResults, PoissonResults): pass class L1NegativeBinomialResults(L1CountResults, NegativeBinomialResults): pass class OrderedResults(DiscreteResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for ordered discrete data." , "extra_attr" : ""} pass
[docs]class BinaryResults(DiscreteResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for binary data", "extra_attr" : ""}
[docs] def pred_table(self, threshold=.5): """ Prediction table Parameters ---------- threshold : scalar Number between 0 and 1. Threshold above which a prediction is considered 1 and below which a prediction is considered 0. Notes ------ pred_table[i,j] refers to the number of times "i" was observed and the model predicted "j". Correct predictions are along the diagonal. """ model = self.model actual = model.endog pred = np.array(self.predict() > threshold, dtype=float) bins = np.array([0, 0.5, 1]) return np.histogram2d(actual, pred, bins=bins)[0]
[docs] def summary(self, yname=None, xname=None, title=None, alpha=.05, yname_list=None): smry = super(BinaryResults, self).summary(yname, xname, title, alpha, yname_list) fittedvalues = self.model.cdf(self.fittedvalues) absprederror = np.abs(self.model.endog - fittedvalues) predclose_sum = (absprederror < 1e-4).sum() predclose_frac = predclose_sum / len(fittedvalues) #add warnings/notes etext = [] if predclose_sum == len(fittedvalues): #nobs? wstr = "Complete Separation: The results show that there is" wstr += "complete separation.\n" wstr += "In this case the Maximum Likelihood Estimator does " wstr += "not exist and the parameters\n" wstr += "are not identified." etext.append(wstr) elif predclose_frac > 0.1: # TODO: get better diagnosis wstr = "Possibly complete quasi-separation: A fraction " wstr += "%4.2f of observations can be\n" % predclose_frac wstr += "perfectly predicted. This might indicate that there " wstr += "is complete\nquasi-separation. In this case some " wstr += "parameters will not be identified." etext.append(wstr) if etext: smry.add_extra_txt(etext) return smry
summary.__doc__ = DiscreteResults.summary.__doc__ @cache_readonly
[docs] def resid_dev(self): """ Deviance residuals Notes ----- Deviance residuals are defined .. math:: d_j = \\pm\\left(2\\left[Y_j\\ln\\left(\\frac{Y_j}{M_jp_j}\\right) + (M_j - Y_j\\ln\\left(\\frac{M_j-Y_j}{M_j(1-p_j)} \\right) \\right] \\right)^{1/2} where :math:`p_j = cdf(X\\beta)` and :math:`M_j` is the total number of observations sharing the covariate pattern :math:`j`. For now :math:`M_j` is always set to 1. """ #These are the deviance residuals #model = self.model endog = self.model.endog #exog = model.exog # M = # of individuals that share a covariate pattern # so M[i] = 2 for i = two share a covariate pattern M = 1 p = self.predict() #Y_0 = np.where(exog == 0) #Y_M = np.where(exog == M) #NOTE: Common covariate patterns are not yet handled res = -(1-endog)*np.sqrt(2*M*np.abs(np.log(1-p))) + \ endog*np.sqrt(2*M*np.abs(np.log(p))) return res
[docs] def resid_pearson(self): """ Pearson residuals Notes ----- Pearson residuals are defined to be .. math:: r_j = \\frac{(y - M_jp_j)}{\\sqrt{M_jp_j(1-p_j)}} where :math:`p_j=cdf(X\\beta)` and :math:`M_j` is the total number of observations sharing the covariate pattern :math:`j`. For now :math:`M_j` is always set to 1. """ # Pearson residuals #model = self.model endog = self.model.endog #exog = model.exog # M = # of individuals that share a covariate pattern # so M[i] = 2 for i = two share a covariate pattern # use unique row pattern? M = 1 p = self.predict() return (endog - M*p)/np.sqrt(M*p*(1-p))
[docs] def resid_response(self): """ The response residuals Notes ----- Response residuals are defined to be .. math:: y - p where :math:`p=cdf(X\\beta)`. """ return self.model.endog - self.predict()
[docs]class LogitResults(BinaryResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % { "one_line_description" : "A results class for Logit Model", "extra_attr" : ""} @cache_readonly
[docs] def resid_generalized(self): """ Generalized residuals Notes ----- The generalized residuals for the Logit model are defined .. math:: y - p where :math:`p=cdf(X\\beta)`. This is the same as the `resid_response` for the Logit model. """ # Generalized residuals return self.model.endog - self.predict()
[docs]class ProbitResults(BinaryResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % { "one_line_description" : "A results class for Probit Model", "extra_attr" : ""} @cache_readonly
[docs] def resid_generalized(self): """ Generalized residuals Notes ----- The generalized residuals for the Probit model are defined .. math:: y\\frac{\phi(X\\beta)}{\\Phi(X\\beta)}-(1-y)\\frac{\\phi(X\\beta)}{1-\\Phi(X\\beta)} """ # generalized residuals model = self.model endog = model.endog XB = self.predict(linear=True) pdf = model.pdf(XB) cdf = model.cdf(XB) return endog * pdf/cdf - (1-endog)*pdf/(1-cdf)
class L1BinaryResults(BinaryResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "Results instance for binary data fit by l1 regularization", "extra_attr" : _l1_results_attr} def __init__(self, model, bnryfit): super(L1BinaryResults, self).__init__(model, bnryfit) # self.trimmed is a boolean array with T/F telling whether or not that # entry in params has been set zero'd out. self.trimmed = bnryfit.mle_retvals['trimmed'] self.nnz_params = (self.trimmed == False).sum() self.model.df_model = self.nnz_params - 1 self.model.df_resid = float(self.model.endog.shape[0] - self.nnz_params) self.df_model = self.model.df_model self.df_resid = self.model.df_resid
[docs]class MultinomialResults(DiscreteResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for multinomial data", "extra_attr" : ""} def _maybe_convert_ynames_int(self, ynames): # see if they're integers try: for i in ynames: if ynames[i] % 1 == 0: ynames[i] = str(int(ynames[i])) except TypeError: pass return ynames def _get_endog_name(self, yname, yname_list, all=False): """ If all is False, the first variable name is dropped """ model = self.model if yname is None: yname = model.endog_names if yname_list is None: ynames = model._ynames_map ynames = self._maybe_convert_ynames_int(ynames) # use range below to ensure sortedness ynames = [ynames[key] for key in range(int(model.J))] ynames = ['='.join([yname, name]) for name in ynames] if not all: yname_list = ynames[1:] # assumes first variable is dropped else: yname_list = ynames return yname, yname_list
[docs] def pred_table(self): """ Returns the J x J prediction table. Notes ----- pred_table[i,j] refers to the number of times "i" was observed and the model predicted "j". Correct predictions are along the diagonal. """ ju = self.model.J - 1 # highest index # these are the actual, predicted indices #idx = lzip(self.model.endog, self.predict().argmax(1)) bins = np.concatenate(([0], np.linspace(0.5, ju - 0.5, ju), [ju])) return np.histogram2d(self.model.endog, self.predict().argmax(1), bins=bins)[0]
[docs] def bse(self): bse = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov_params())) return bse.reshape(self.params.shape, order='F')
[docs] def aic(self): return -2*(self.llf - (self.df_model+self.model.J-1))
[docs] def bic(self): return -2*self.llf + np.log(self.nobs)*(self.df_model+self.model.J-1)
[docs] def conf_int(self, alpha=.05, cols=None): confint = super(DiscreteResults, self).conf_int(alpha=alpha, cols=cols) return confint.transpose(2,0,1)
[docs] def margeff(self): raise NotImplementedError("Use get_margeff instead")
[docs] def resid_misclassified(self): """ Residuals indicating which observations are misclassified. Notes ----- The residuals for the multinomial model are defined as .. math:: argmax(y_i) \\neq argmax(p_i) where :math:`argmax(y_i)` is the index of the category for the endogenous variable and :math:`argmax(p_i)` is the index of the predicted probabilities for each category. That is, the residual is a binary indicator that is 0 if the category with the highest predicted probability is the same as that of the observed variable and 1 otherwise. """ # it's 0 or 1 - 0 for correct prediction and 1 for a missed one return (self.model.wendog.argmax(1) != self.predict().argmax(1)).astype(float)
[docs] def summary2(self, alpha=0.05, float_format="%.4f"): """Experimental function to summarize regression results Parameters ----------- alpha : float significance level for the confidence intervals float_format: string print format for floats in parameters summary Returns ------- smry : Summary instance this holds the summary tables and text, which can be printed or converted to various output formats. See Also -------- statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary : class to hold summary results """ from statsmodels.iolib import summary2 smry = summary2.Summary() smry.add_dict(summary2.summary_model(self)) # One data frame per value of endog eqn = self.params.shape[1] confint = self.conf_int(alpha) for i in range(eqn): coefs = summary2.summary_params(self, alpha, self.params[:,i], self.bse[:,i], self.tvalues[:,i], self.pvalues[:,i], confint[i]) # Header must show value of endog level_str = self.model.endog_names + ' = ' + str(i) coefs[level_str] = coefs.index coefs = coefs.ix[:,[-1,0,1,2,3,4,5]] smry.add_df(coefs, index=False, header=True, float_format=float_format) smry.add_title(results=self) return smry
class L1MultinomialResults(MultinomialResults): __doc__ = _discrete_results_docs % {"one_line_description" : "A results class for multinomial data fit by l1 regularization", "extra_attr" : _l1_results_attr} def __init__(self, model, mlefit): super(L1MultinomialResults, self).__init__(model, mlefit) # self.trimmed is a boolean array with T/F telling whether or not that # entry in params has been set zero'd out. self.trimmed = mlefit.mle_retvals['trimmed'] self.nnz_params = (self.trimmed == False).sum() #Note: J-1 constants self.model.df_model = self.nnz_params - (self.model.J - 1) self.model.df_resid = float(self.model.endog.shape[0] - self.nnz_params) self.df_model = self.model.df_model self.df_resid = self.model.df_resid #### Results Wrappers #### class OrderedResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(OrderedResultsWrapper, OrderedResults) class CountResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(CountResultsWrapper, CountResults) class NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper, NegativeBinomialResults) class PoissonResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass #_methods = { # "predict_prob" : "rows", # } #_wrap_methods = lm.wrap.union_dicts( # lm.RegressionResultsWrapper._wrap_methods, # _methods) wrap.populate_wrapper(PoissonResultsWrapper, PoissonResults) class L1CountResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass class L1PoissonResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass #_methods = { # "predict_prob" : "rows", # } #_wrap_methods = lm.wrap.union_dicts( # lm.RegressionResultsWrapper._wrap_methods, # _methods) wrap.populate_wrapper(L1PoissonResultsWrapper, L1PoissonResults) class L1NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(L1NegativeBinomialResultsWrapper, L1NegativeBinomialResults) class BinaryResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): _attrs = {"resid_dev" : "rows", "resid_generalized" : "rows", "resid_pearson" : "rows", "resid_response" : "rows" } _wrap_attrs = wrap.union_dicts(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper._wrap_attrs, _attrs) wrap.populate_wrapper(BinaryResultsWrapper, BinaryResults) class L1BinaryResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(L1BinaryResultsWrapper, L1BinaryResults) class MultinomialResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): _attrs = {"resid_misclassified" : "rows"} _wrap_attrs = wrap.union_dicts(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper._wrap_attrs, _attrs) wrap.populate_wrapper(MultinomialResultsWrapper, MultinomialResults) class L1MultinomialResultsWrapper(lm.RegressionResultsWrapper): pass wrap.populate_wrapper(L1MultinomialResultsWrapper, L1MultinomialResults) if __name__=="__main__": import numpy as np import statsmodels.api as sm # Scratch work for negative binomial models # dvisits was written using an R package, I can provide the dataset # on request until the copyright is cleared up #TODO: request permission to use dvisits data2 = np.genfromtxt('../datasets/dvisits/dvisits.csv', names=True) # note that this has missing values for Accident endog = data2['doctorco'] exog = data2[['sex','age','agesq','income','levyplus','freepoor', 'freerepa','illness','actdays','hscore','chcond1', 'chcond2']].view(float, np.ndarray).reshape(len(data2),-1) exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=True) poisson_mod = Poisson(endog, exog) poisson_res = # nb2_mod = NegBinTwo(endog, exog) # nb2_res = # solvers hang (with no error and no maxiter warn...) # haven't derived hessian (though it will be block diagonal) to check # newton, note that Lawless (1987) has the derivations # appear to be something wrong with the score? # according to Lawless, traditionally the likelihood is maximized wrt to B # and a gridsearch on a to determin ahat? # or the Breslow approach, which is 2 step iterative. nb2_params = [-2.190,.217,-.216,.609,-.142,.118,-.497,.145,.214,.144, .038,.099,.190,1.077] # alpha is last # taken from Cameron and Trivedi # the below is from Cameron and Trivedi as well # endog2 = np.array(endog>=1, dtype=float) # skipped for now, binary poisson results look off? data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() nbreg = NegativeBinomial mod = nbreg(data.endog, data.exog.view((float,9))) #FROM STATA: params = np.asarray([-.05654133, -.21214282, .0878311, -.02991813, .22903632, .06210226, .06799715, .08407035, .18532336]) bse = [0.0062541, 0.0231818, 0.0036942, 0.0034796, 0.0305176, 0.0012397, 0.0198008, 0.0368707, 0.0766506] lnalpha = .31221786 mod.loglike(np.r_[params,np.exp(lnalpha)]) poiss_res = Poisson(data.endog, data.exog.view((float,9))).fit() func = lambda x: -mod.loglike(x) grad = lambda x: -mod.score(x) from scipy import optimize # res1 = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(func, np.r_[poiss_res.params,.1], # approx_grad=True) res1 = optimize.fmin_bfgs(func, np.r_[poiss_res.params,.1], fprime=grad) from import approx_hess_cs # np.sqrt(np.diag(-np.linalg.inv(approx_hess_cs(np.r_[params,lnalpha], mod.loglike)))) #NOTE: this is the hessian in terms of alpha _not_ lnalpha hess_arr = mod.hessian(res1)