
Let us consider chapter 7 of the excellent treatise on the subject of Exponential Smoothing By Hyndman and Athanasopoulos [1]. We will work through all the examples in the chapter as they unfold.

[1] Hyndman, Rob J., and George Athanasopoulos. Forecasting: principles and practice. OTexts, 2014.

Exponential smoothing

First we load some data. We have included the R data in the notebook for expedience.

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing, SimpleExpSmoothing, Holt

data = [446.6565,  454.4733,  455.663 ,  423.6322,  456.2713,  440.5881, 425.3325,  485.1494,  506.0482,  526.792 ,  514.2689,  494.211 ]
index= pd.date_range(start='1996', end='2008', freq='A')
oildata = pd.Series(data, index)

data = [17.5534,  21.86  ,  23.8866,  26.9293,  26.8885,  28.8314, 30.0751,  30.9535,  30.1857,  31.5797,  32.5776,  33.4774, 39.0216,  41.3864,  41.5966]
index= pd.date_range(start='1990', end='2005', freq='A')
air = pd.Series(data, index)

data = [263.9177,  268.3072,  260.6626,  266.6394,  277.5158,  283.834 , 290.309 ,  292.4742,  300.8307,  309.2867,  318.3311,  329.3724, 338.884 ,  339.2441,  328.6006,  314.2554,  314.4597,  321.4138, 329.7893,  346.3852,  352.2979,  348.3705,  417.5629,  417.1236, 417.7495,  412.2339,  411.9468,  394.6971,  401.4993,  408.2705, 414.2428]
index= pd.date_range(start='1970', end='2001', freq='A')
livestock2 = pd.Series(data, index)

data = [407.9979 ,  403.4608,  413.8249,  428.105 ,  445.3387,  452.9942, 455.7402]
index= pd.date_range(start='2001', end='2008', freq='A')
livestock3 = pd.Series(data, index)

data = [41.7275,  24.0418,  32.3281,  37.3287,  46.2132,  29.3463, 36.4829,  42.9777,  48.9015,  31.1802,  37.7179,  40.4202, 51.2069,  31.8872,  40.9783,  43.7725,  55.5586,  33.8509, 42.0764,  45.6423,  59.7668,  35.1919,  44.3197,  47.9137]
index= pd.date_range(start='2005', end='2010-Q4', freq='QS-OCT')
aust = pd.Series(data, index)

Simple Exponential Smoothing

Lets use Simple Exponential Smoothing to forecast the below oil data.

ax.set_ylabel("Oil (millions of tonnes)")
print("Figure 7.1: Oil production in Saudi Arabia from 1996 to 2007.")
Figure 7.1: Oil production in Saudi Arabia from 1996 to 2007.

Here we run three variants of simple exponential smoothing: 1. In fit1 we do not use the auto optimization but instead choose to explicitly provide the model with the \(\alpha=0.2\) parameter 2. In fit2 as above we choose an \(\alpha=0.6\) 3. In fit3 we allow statsmodels to automatically find an optimized \(\alpha\) value for us. This is the recommended approach.

fit1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(oildata).fit(smoothing_level=0.2,optimized=False)
fcast1 = fit1.forecast(3).rename(r'$\alpha=0.2$')
fit2 = SimpleExpSmoothing(oildata).fit(smoothing_level=0.6,optimized=False)
fcast2 = fit2.forecast(3).rename(r'$\alpha=0.6$')
fit3 = SimpleExpSmoothing(oildata).fit()
fcast3 = fit3.forecast(3).rename(r'$\alpha=%s$'%fit3.model.params['smoothing_level'])

ax = oildata.plot(marker='o', color='black', figsize=(12,8))
fcast1.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='blue', legend=True)
fit1.fittedvalues.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='blue')
fcast2.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='red', legend=True)

fit2.fittedvalues.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='red')
fcast3.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='green', legend=True)
fit3.fittedvalues.plot(marker='o', ax=ax, color='green')

Holt’s Method

Lets take a look at another example. This time we use air pollution data and the Holt’s Method. We will fit three examples again. 1. In fit1 we again choose not to use the optimizer and provide explicit values for \(\alpha=0.8\) and \(\beta=0.2\) 2. In fit2 we do the same as in fit1 but choose to use an exponential model rather than a Holt’s additive model. 3. In fit3 we used a damped versions of the Holt’s additive model but allow the dampening parameter \(\phi\) to be optimized while fixing the values for \(\alpha=0.8\) and \(\beta=0.2\)

fit1 = Holt(air).fit(smoothing_level=0.8, smoothing_slope=0.2, optimized=False)
fcast1 = fit1.forecast(5).rename("Holt's linear trend")
fit2 = Holt(air, exponential=True).fit(smoothing_level=0.8, smoothing_slope=0.2, optimized=False)
fcast2 = fit2.forecast(5).rename("Exponential trend")
fit3 = Holt(air, damped=True).fit(smoothing_level=0.8, smoothing_slope=0.2)
fcast3 = fit3.forecast(5).rename("Additive damped trend")

ax = air.plot(color="black", marker="o", figsize=(12,8))
fit1.fittedvalues.plot(ax=ax, color='blue')
fcast1.plot(ax=ax, color='blue', marker="o", legend=True)
fit2.fittedvalues.plot(ax=ax, color='red')
fcast2.plot(ax=ax, color='red', marker="o", legend=True)
fit3.fittedvalues.plot(ax=ax, color='green')
fcast3.plot(ax=ax, color='green', marker="o", legend=True)


Seasonally adjusted data

Lets look at some seasonally adjusted livestock data. We fit five Holt’s models. The below table allows us to compare results when we use exponential versus additive and damped versus non-damped.

Note: fit4 does not allow the parameter \(\phi\) to be optimized by providing a fixed value of \(\phi=0.98\)

fit1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(livestock2).fit()
fit2 = Holt(livestock2).fit()
fit3 = Holt(livestock2,exponential=True).fit()
fit4 = Holt(livestock2,damped=True).fit(damping_slope=0.98)
fit5 = Holt(livestock2,exponential=True,damped=True).fit()
params = ['smoothing_level', 'smoothing_slope', 'damping_slope', 'initial_level', 'initial_slope']
results=pd.DataFrame(index=[r"$\alpha$",r"$\beta$",r"$\phi$",r"$l_0$","$b_0$","SSE"] ,columns=['SES', "Holt's","Exponential", "Additive", "Multiplicative"])
results["SES"] =            [fit1.params[p] for p in params] + [fit1.sse]
results["Holt's"] =         [fit2.params[p] for p in params] + [fit2.sse]
results["Exponential"] =    [fit3.params[p] for p in params] + [fit3.sse]
results["Additive"] =       [fit4.params[p] for p in params] + [fit4.sse]
results["Multiplicative"] = [fit5.params[p] for p in params] + [fit5.sse]
SES Holt's Exponential Additive Multiplicative
$\alpha$ 1.000000 0.974306 0.977633 0.978847 0.974911
$\beta$ NaN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$\phi$ NaN NaN NaN 0.980000 0.981646
$l_0$ 263.917700 258.882647 260.341533 257.357648 258.951944
$b_0$ NaN 5.010775 1.013780 6.644538 1.038144
SSE 6761.350218 6004.138200 6104.194746 6036.555004 6081.995045

Plots of Seasonally Adjusted Data

The following plots allow us to evaluate the level and slope/trend components of the above table’s fits.

for fit in [fit2,fit4]:
print('Figure 7.4: Level and slope components for Holt’s linear trend method and the additive damped trend method.')
Figure 7.4: Level and slope components for Holt’s linear trend method and the additive damped trend method.


Here we plot a comparison Simple Exponential Smoothing and Holt’s Methods for various additive, exponential and damped combinations. All of the models parameters will be optimized by statsmodels.

fit1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(livestock2).fit()
fcast1 = fit1.forecast(9).rename("SES")
fit2 = Holt(livestock2).fit()
fcast2 = fit2.forecast(9).rename("Holt's")
fit3 = Holt(livestock2, exponential=True).fit()
fcast3 = fit3.forecast(9).rename("Exponential")
fit4 = Holt(livestock2, damped=True).fit(damping_slope=0.98)
fcast4 = fit4.forecast(9).rename("Additive Damped")
fit5 = Holt(livestock2, exponential=True, damped=True).fit()
fcast5 = fit5.forecast(9).rename("Multiplicative Damped")

ax = livestock2.plot(color="black", marker="o", figsize=(12,8))
livestock3.plot(ax=ax, color="black", marker="o", legend=False)
fcast1.plot(ax=ax, color='red', legend=True)
fcast2.plot(ax=ax, color='green', legend=True)
fcast3.plot(ax=ax, color='blue', legend=True)
fcast4.plot(ax=ax, color='cyan', legend=True)
fcast5.plot(ax=ax, color='magenta', legend=True)
ax.set_ylabel('Livestock, sheep in Asia (millions)')
print('Figure 7.5: Forecasting livestock, sheep in Asia: comparing forecasting performance of non-seasonal methods.')
Figure 7.5: Forecasting livestock, sheep in Asia: comparing forecasting performance of non-seasonal methods.

Holt’s Winters Seasonal

Finally we are able to run full Holt’s Winters Seasonal Exponential Smoothing including a trend component and a seasonal component. statsmodels allows for all the combinations including as shown in the examples below: 1. fit1 additive trend, additive seasonal of period season_length=4 and the use of a Box-Cox transformation. 1. fit2 additive trend, multiplicative seasonal of period season_length=4 and the use of a Box-Cox transformation.. 1. fit3 additive damped trend, additive seasonal of period season_length=4 and the use of a Box-Cox transformation. 1. fit4 additive damped trend, multiplicative seasonal of period season_length=4 and the use of a Box-Cox transformation.

The plot shows the results and forecast for fit1 and fit2. The table allows us to compare the results and parameterizations.

fit1 = ExponentialSmoothing(aust, seasonal_periods=4, trend='add', seasonal='add').fit(use_boxcox=True)
fit2 = ExponentialSmoothing(aust, seasonal_periods=4, trend='add', seasonal='mul').fit(use_boxcox=True)
fit3 = ExponentialSmoothing(aust, seasonal_periods=4, trend='add', seasonal='add', damped=True).fit(use_boxcox=True)
fit4 = ExponentialSmoothing(aust, seasonal_periods=4, trend='add', seasonal='mul', damped=True).fit(use_boxcox=True)
params = ['smoothing_level', 'smoothing_slope', 'damping_slope', 'smoothing_seasonal', 'initial_level', 'initial_slope']
results["Additive"]       = [fit1.params[p] for p in params] + [fit1.sse]
results["Multiplicative"] = [fit2.params[p] for p in params] + [fit2.sse]
results["Additive Dam"]   = [fit3.params[p] for p in params] + [fit3.sse]
results["Multiplica Dam"] = [fit4.params[p] for p in params] + [fit4.sse]

ax = aust.plot(figsize=(10,6), marker='o', color='black', title="Forecasts from Holt-Winters' multiplicative method" )
ax.set_ylabel("International visitor night in Australia (millions)")
fit1.fittedvalues.plot(ax=ax, style='--', color='red')
fit2.fittedvalues.plot(ax=ax, style='--', color='green')

fit1.forecast(8).rename('Holt-Winters (add-add-seasonal)').plot(ax=ax, style='--', marker='o', color='red', legend=True)
fit2.forecast(8).rename('Holt-Winters (add-mul-seasonal)').plot(ax=ax, style='--', marker='o', color='green', legend=True)

print("Figure 7.6: Forecasting international visitor nights in Australia using Holt-Winters method with both additive and multiplicative seasonality.")

/home/travis/build/statsmodels/statsmodels/statsmodels/tsa/holtwinters.py:725: ConvergenceWarning: Optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals.
/home/travis/build/statsmodels/statsmodels/statsmodels/tsa/holtwinters.py:725: ConvergenceWarning: Optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals.
/home/travis/build/statsmodels/statsmodels/statsmodels/tsa/holtwinters.py:725: ConvergenceWarning: Optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals.
Figure 7.6: Forecasting international visitor nights in Australia using Holt-Winters method with both additive and multiplicative seasonality.
Additive Multiplicative Additive Dam Multiplica Dam
$\alpha$ 4.546141e-01 3.662202e-01 9.082834e-09 0.000182
$\beta$ 5.824107e-09 6.273474e-20 1.550290e-11 0.000182
$\phi$ NaN NaN 9.431182e-01 0.913648
$\gamma$ 5.244166e-01 9.043075e-14 1.290373e-06 0.000000
$l_0$ 1.421752e+01 1.454882e+01 1.415855e+01 14.534854
$b_0$ 1.307774e-01 1.661481e-01 2.454178e-01 0.484784
SSE 5.001652e+01 4.307295e+01 3.527230e+01 39.711041

The Internals

It is possible to get at the internals of the Exponential Smoothing models.

Here we show some tables that allow you to view side by side the original values \(y_t\), the level \(l_t\), the trend \(b_t\), the season \(s_t\) and the fitted values \(\hat{y}_t\).

df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[aust, fit1.level, fit1.slope, fit1.season, fit1.fittedvalues],
df.append(fit1.forecast(8).rename(r'$\hat{y}_t$').to_frame(), sort=True)
$\hat{y}_t$ $b_t$ $l_t$ $s_t$ $y_t$
2005-01-01 41.721221 -34.969400 49.317697 -7.593408 41.7275
2005-04-01 24.190248 -35.452843 49.932487 -25.834708 24.0418
2005-07-01 31.460568 -36.532793 51.126161 -19.182959 32.3281
2005-10-01 36.634784 -37.397622 52.210084 -15.209685 37.3287
2006-01-01 45.097632 -38.467246 53.476749 -7.837277 46.2132
2006-04-01 27.191721 -40.276276 55.513814 -27.017372 29.3463
2006-07-01 36.544194 -40.625031 56.224457 -19.713848 36.4829
2006-10-01 41.449477 -42.041726 57.766045 -15.523295 42.9777
2007-01-01 50.934454 -41.543812 57.536734 -7.588671 48.9015
2007-04-01 31.418231 -42.197848 58.151014 -26.874289 31.1802
2007-07-01 38.718348 -42.303496 58.363010 -20.191916 37.7179
2007-10-01 44.140665 -41.085821 57.181923 -14.982785 40.4202
2008-01-01 49.315841 -42.961487 58.853001 -8.619857 51.2069
2008-04-01 32.306999 -43.186553 59.367006 -27.309185 31.8872
2008-07-01 39.207465 -44.826989 61.095601 -20.925588 40.9783
2008-10-01 44.551262 -44.899480 61.462177 -17.319911 43.7725
2009-01-01 54.358086 -46.192233 62.816830 -7.881665 55.5586
2009-04-01 35.153854 -45.980195 62.832171 -28.447885 33.8509
2009-07-01 43.066497 -46.228140 63.082678 -20.550665 42.0764
2009-10-01 45.871207 -46.852517 63.748866 -17.997808 45.6423
2010-01-01 57.166623 -48.770386 65.777575 -7.372147 59.7668
2010-04-01 36.761380 -48.308341 65.650021 -29.816828 35.1919
2010-07-01 44.932496 -48.798665 66.119447 -21.517489 44.3197
2010-10-01 48.399587 -49.269822 66.667428 -18.522282 47.9137
2011-01-01 61.337982 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-04-01 37.242908 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-07-01 46.842670 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-01 51.005290 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 64.470874 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-04-01 39.776989 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-07-01 49.635936 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-10-01 53.901538 NaN NaN NaN NaN
df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[aust, fit2.level, fit2.slope, fit2.season, fit2.fittedvalues],
df.append(fit2.forecast(8).rename(r'$\hat{y}_t$').to_frame(), sort=True)
$\hat{y}_t$ $b_t$ $l_t$ $s_t$ $y_t$
2005-01-01 41.858321 -36.533965 51.248931 0.815816 41.7275
2005-04-01 25.838073 -35.869635 50.739876 0.495331 24.0418
2005-07-01 31.657988 -37.288171 52.065347 0.612930 32.3281
2005-10-01 35.189322 -39.174586 54.193251 0.664127 37.3287
2006-01-01 44.929298 -40.311833 55.712698 0.814974 46.2132
2006-04-01 27.934180 -42.093979 57.763798 0.493011 29.3463
2006-07-01 35.825130 -43.106909 59.134813 0.610035 36.4829
2006-10-01 39.769843 -45.651690 61.915889 0.661649 42.9777
2007-01-01 51.176261 -45.127249 61.863612 0.813514 48.9015
2007-04-01 30.814974 -46.414917 63.142490 0.490255 31.1802
2007-07-01 39.009470 -46.392257 63.333948 0.608168 37.7179
2007-10-01 42.486262 -46.175681 63.149266 0.660387 40.4202
2008-01-01 52.173235 -46.764685 63.707506 0.813308 51.2069
2008-04-01 31.677038 -47.841457 64.877150 0.489512 31.8872
2008-07-01 40.035343 -49.246026 66.475174 0.607618 40.9783
2008-10-01 44.516461 -49.581199 67.072236 0.659526 43.7725
2009-01-01 55.343093 -50.608812 68.196997 0.812689 55.5586
2009-04-01 33.773328 -51.521924 69.292109 0.487836 33.8509
2009-07-01 42.644144 -52.031931 69.978078 0.606317 42.0764
2009-10-01 46.778696 -52.316747 70.372503 0.658637 45.6423
2010-01-01 58.008481 -54.101175 72.219744 0.812212 59.7668
2010-04-01 35.648733 -54.506659 72.917404 0.486477 35.1919
2010-07-01 44.784147 -55.170721 73.690973 0.605343 44.3197
2010-10-01 49.174718 -55.395841 74.036986 0.657769 47.9137
2011-01-01 60.966729 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-04-01 36.993678 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-07-01 46.711883 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2011-10-01 51.482746 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-01-01 64.455796 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-04-01 39.017212 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-07-01 49.291377 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2012-10-01 54.320260 NaN NaN NaN NaN

Finally lets look at the levels, slopes/trends and seasonal components of the models.

states1 = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[fit1.level, fit1.slope, fit1.season], columns=['level','slope','seasonal'], index=aust.index)
states2 = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[fit2.level, fit2.slope, fit2.season], columns=['level','slope','seasonal'], index=aust.index)
fig, [[ax1, ax4],[ax2, ax5], [ax3, ax6]] = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12,8))